31 New Episodes of 5 Minutes in Church History

3 Min Read
This Reformation month culminates in the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther posting his Ninety-Five Theses at the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. To celebrate the anniversary, 5 Minutes in Church History is releasing a new episode, recorded on location throughout Europe, every day in October. Over 31 episodes, Dr. Stephen Nichols will explore the life, thought, and legacy of Luther, and will conclude with an examination of the document that started it all, Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses. Subscribe in iTunes, visit 5MinutesInChurchHistory.com, listen every day on RefNet at 10:55am, or search for “5 Minutes in Church History” wherever you listen to your podcasts.
Reformation Month Episodes
- 31 Days with Luther
- November 10, 1483
- 5 Things at Erfurt
- The Goose & the Swan
- The Gates of Paradise
- Luther & Bach
- 2 Princes
- A Tale of 2 Churches
- Heidelberg
- Worms
- Junker Jorg
- The Wittenberg 5
- Melanchthon
- Luther & Germany Today
- 2 Kinds of Righteousness
- 3 Treatises
- Catechism
- Hymns
- Table Talk
- Bondage of the Will
- Luther on Psalm 118
- Luther and the Bible
- Martin & Katie
- January 1546
- Last 4 Sermons
- February 18, 1546
- Legacy of Luther
- R.C. Sproul & Luther
- Repent
- The 95 Theses, Part 1
- The 95 Theses, Part 2