Columns from Tabletalk Magazine, July 2010
The July edition of Tabletalk is out. This month's issue focuses on the concept of adiaphora within the practices and worship of Christ’s body and aims to provide biblical principles regarding adiaphora. Contributors include R.C. Sproul, Nicholas Batzig, Jon Bloom, Terry Yount, Joel Belz, Burk Parsons and Keith Mathison.
We do not post all of the feature articles or the daily devotionals from the issue, so you'll have to subscribe to get those. But for now, here are links to a few select columns and articles from this month:
- "Life and Worship Matters" by Burk Parsons
- "When to Stop, When to Go, When to Slow Down" by R.C. Sproul
- "The Fine Line" by Nicholas Batzig
- "Give Without Pay" by Jon Bloom
- "Beauty and the Gospel" by Terry Yount
- "Tevje Needed to Know" by Joel Belz
- "Mere Coincidence?" by Keith Mathison
- "Right Now Counts Forever" by R.C. Sproul Jr.
If you have not subscribed yet, you should. It's only $23 for a year, and $20 to renew. You save even more if you get a 2- or 3-year subscription (as little as $1.36 per issue). Special discounts for churches or businesses are available for those who want multiple copies of each issue. Start receiving Tabletalk by calling one of Ligonier Ministries' resource consultants at 800-435-4343 (8am-8pm ET, Mon-Fri) or subscribe online.