Postponed: A Google Hangout with John MacArthur and R.C. Sproul

Last Saturday, Dr. Sproul checked himself into the hospital. The doctors suspect he had a mild stroke. He remains in the hospital for further testing and observation. The Sproul family requests your prayers.
Regrettably, this means we will be postponing this week's Google Hangout. God willing, we will reschedule this special event for later in 2015 when Drs. MacArthur and Sproul have joint availability.
Update (4/21/15)
Thank you for your continued prayers for Dr. Sproul. The doctors did confirm a stroke occurred but we are thankful to God that there is no paralysis. In fact, he is very alert, feeling well, and resting comfortably. And the hospital staff is enjoying his sense of humor.
Update (4/22/15 AM)
After consulting with the neurosurgeon yesterday evening, Dr. Sproul decided to undergo a short procedure this morning to attempt to clear the partial arterial blockage in his brain. He is receiving expert care from the hospital staff. Your continued prayers to God on his behalf are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Update (4/22/15 PM)
After further consult with the doctors, Dr. Sproul preferred to pursue a non-invasive path that would stabilize his newly diagnosed diabetic condition. The risk/reward ratio for the surgical procedure was not acceptable. He is resting but did express his gratitude for all who are praying for wisdom and healing.
Update (4/23/15)
Good news: Dr. Sproul is home from the hospital. As many of you know, he suffered a stroke, which required an extended hospital stay. We give thanks to God that there has been no paralysis and he remains his same jovial self. But there are some remaining effects of the stroke that affect his speech and strength. Further, he's been diagnosed with a diabetic condition that will be addressed through diet and regular medical attention. He is fatigued and in coming days will be concentrating on regaining his strength as well as his speech therapy. Again, Dr. Sproul expresses his thanks for all of the prayers that have been lifted up on his behalf to our merciful, sovereign, and faithful heavenly Father.
Update (5/11/15)
We are grateful for so many of you who have prayed for Dr. Sproul's health in recent weeks. This morning he was taken to the hospital with suspected stroke complications. He underwent a successful angioplasty to remove the blockage in his cerebral artery. Dr. Sproul is alert and conversing with his family and the medical staff. We will update you further on Wednesday. Please continue to lift up your prayers on his behalf to the Lord.
Update (5/13/15)
We are happy to report that Dr. Sproul is home from the hospital sooner than expected. The tests subsequent to the angioplasty in his cerebral artery confirm that the procedure was successful in mitigating the blockage. He will continue on the speech therapy and recovery plan begun before this latest hospital stay. We give thanks for God's tender, providential care and the many prayers fervently offered on Dr. Sproul's behalf.
Update (6/24/15)
Dr. Sproul and his doctors are encouraged that the brain angioplasty appears to have accomplished its intended purpose. Though he continues to have brain fatigue that can only be relieved by sleeping, his periods of brain energy appear to be lengthening. His speech has improved and he no longer needs to see the speech therapist.
We have no timeline as to when Dr. Sproul will be able to return to teaching and preaching but are waiting patiently and expectantly for that time. He meets regularly with Chris Larson, president of Ligonier Ministries, and he also meets weekly with Burk Parsons the co-pastor of Saint Andrew's Chapel. So Dr. Sproul continues his involvement and input to each of these ministries so dear to his heart. Unless something changes, this will likely be our final update on Dr. Sproul's recovery from his recent health issues.
Dr. Sproul along with his family are grateful for your prayers, cards, notes and other kindnesses and is eager that we include their thanks to you.