No Compromise: 2013 National Conference Preview — Cal Thomas and Sinclair Ferguson
In two weeks thousands will gather in Orlando for our 2013 National Conference. These three days will be a call to stand with conviction, not bending with the winds of relativism and faithlessness.
Leading up to the conference we're giving you a preview of who will be teaching and what they'll be teaching on.
Cal Thomas has served in broadcast and print journalism for more than forty years and is the most widely syndicated op-ed columnist in the United States. He has hosted programs on CBNC and Fox News, and he is a frequent commentator on the major political, economic, and religious issues of our day. He has also authored and contributed to several books.
Mr. Thomas was interviewed last year in Tabletalk magazine. Speaking on Christians and politics, he said the following:
"How can a fallen leader repair a fallen society? He (or she) can’t. Only God can do that through changed lives. And lives can be changed only by the transforming power of Jesus Christ. Indeed, it has always been so. As revivals of the past have shown us, the social impact was astounding. So if believers want to see a culture improved (fewer abortions, less drunkenness, fewer divorces, and so on), let their objective be to lead more people to Christ."
In addition to a questions and answers session, Mr. Thomas will be speaking at one session:
Session 5 — Family Tradition
What is a family, and who has the authority to define or redefine it? Our generation has witnessed radical attempts at redefinition by various interest groups. In this message, Cal Thomas will explore the culture’s assaults on the family and the very practical reasons why the church must speak to family issues. He will remind us that bad policy impacts the lives of real people in very negative ways.
Sinclair Ferguson is senior minister of First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, S.C., professor of systematic theology at Redeemer Seminary, and distinguished visiting professor of systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. He serves as a teaching fellow for Ligonier and has also written more than two dozen books.
Dr. Ferguson has spoken at many Ligonier conferences. You can find his past messages here, however, below is his message from last year's National Conference where he encouraged us to wrestle with the deep things of God and to stretch ourselves by reading some of the great theologians of the past.
In addition to a questions and answers session, this year Dr. Ferguson will be speaking at two sessions:
Session 6 — Doctrine in the Dock
Throughout church history, there have been those who set theology and Christian living in opposition to one another. Yet, this was not the way of Jesus or the Apostles. In this message, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson will affirm the value and importance not only of the study of theology but the application of what we study to our hearts. It will look to Paul as a model of one who combined profound theology and heartfelt doxology.
Session 10 — On This Rock
Two thousand years ago, the church was a tiny band of believers with an amazing message. Despite constant persecution from without and strife from within, this church has grown. In this message, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson will consider God’s promise that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church. He will encourage believers to stand firm in hope, clinging to the promise of God in the face of all that the enemy can throw at us.
We invite you to come and hear Cal Thomas and Sinclair Ferguson at our 2013 National Conference, "No Compromise." Today is the final day to register and save $20.