The Pilgrim's Progress: A Guided Tour, A New Teaching Series from Derek Thomas
2 Min Read
The Pilgrim's Progress, written by John Bunyan over 300 years ago, is one of the most widely-circulated books ever to be published in the English language. Christians today have as much to gain from this masterpiece as they did hundreds of years ago.
In this new 19-part teaching series, The Pilgrim's Progress: A Guided Tour, respected pastor and theologian Dr. Derek Thomas takes readers along this allegorical journey, pausing to highlight the biblical truth being communicated in this timeless story of faith.
Nineteen, 23-Minute Messages:
- The City of Destruction
- The Wicket Gate
- The Interpreter's House
- The Cross & the Sepulcher
- The Hill Difficulty
- The Palace Beautiful
- The Valley of Humiliation
- The Valley of the Shadow of Death
- The Godless City: Vanity Fair
- The Castle of Giant Despair
- The Delectable Mountains
- The Celestial City
- A New Journey Begins
- Foes and Friends: The Road to Interpreter's House
- The Trek to the Palace
- The Road to Vanity & Vanity Fair
- From Vanity to Doubting Castle
- On to Enchanted Ground
- On to the Celestial City
Watch the First Message Free
Purchase Options
- Purchase on DVD ($54.00)
- Purchase on CD ($43.20)
- Purchase a digital copy and watch online ($30.40 complete / $2 each)
- Take it as an online course on Ligonier Connect