#TruthAtTheCup: An Update from Brazil

Since our first #TruthAtTheCup update at the beginning of the World Cup, a small team from Ligonier has traveled to Brazil to document the outreach and conduct interviews. Over the last few days it has been encouraging to see the enthusiasm with which local churches are distributing Dr. R.C. Sproul's booklets and how well they are being received by the public.
Thanks to the assistance of our partner ministry_,_ Editora Fiel, over 300 churches requested to be involved in this outreach. This list was narrowed down to 200 churches who have now begun distributing over 140,000 copies of Can I Have Joy in My Life? and a new abridged version of his The Holiness of God titled God Is Holy and We're Not all across Brazil.
On Monday we were able to visit São Paulo, the largest city in Brazil and the 9th largest city in the world, and observe Christians distributing Dr. Sproul's booklets at a subway station. This particular location was selected as a local pastor, Mauro Meister, led the team and has planted a church very close to the station.
We have intentionally tried to keep the distribution of Dr. Sproul's booklets closely tied to local churches so that further discipleship is possible. In fact, many churches are inserting cards with their own church details into the booklets for those who are interested.
Another intentional aspect of this outreach has been the particular titles we printed. Our partners in Brazil informed us that the quest for joy is a common theme within their culture, and with Brazil being a predominately Roman Catholic country, a book on God's holiness should find greater reception.
The #TruthAtTheCup outreach is a large logistical initiative that has been made possible only by God's grace, our partner ministry and the distributing churches in Brazil, and through your financial support and prayers. Thank you, and please continue to pray.
You can browse the #TruthAtTheCup hashtag on Instagram to see other photos.