An Unprecedented Offer: Get a 60-Part Overview of Systematic Theology

Something I have often heard in my long career as a theologian and teacher is "What really matters is what's in your heart." I've not just heard that from the world, I think I hear it from professing evangelicals more often than anyone else.
This phrase concerns me—not because it is wholly false. People who say it usually mean that God prizes deeply rooted conviction and affection within the person. And clearly this is a key biblical truth (1 Sam. 16:7; Luke 12:34; Rom. 2:29).
Yet Jesus tells us to love God with heart and mind (Matt. 22:37). We can't love anyone we don't know—even our great God. Burning hearts are not nourished by empty heads.
We can have heads full of knowledge that never penetrates our hearts, but our hearts can't fully adore the Lord unless we love Him with our minds. If we don't train our minds on His revelation, plumbing its depths to see how it fits together and informs all of life, our Christian growth will be stunted and sacrificial discipleship will be impossible.
We have been proclaiming this message through Ligonier for more than forty years through conferences, Reformation Bible College, Tabletalk, Reformation Trust, Renewing Your Mind radio broadcast, internet-based outreach, and teaching series. One key series is Foundations, which I designed specifically to help people learn the full scope of historic Christian teaching.
The sixty 23-minute lectures of Foundations cover every major Christian doctrine, including God's attributes, the person of Christ, the Trinity, mankind as God's image, sin, atonement, the Holy Spirit, Christ's return, and more. It lays the groundwork—a foundation—so that you can renew your mind to know and love better our holy Lord.
Burning hearts are not nourished by empty heads. —R.C. Sproul
This November, we want to air key parts of Foundations on Renewing Your Mind to help listeners worldwide understand the Christian faith. A gift of any amount will support the broadcast of these lectures and sustain our ministry at this critical time.
To thank you for your donation, we will send you the complete Foundations series on DVD and a CD with the series in MP3 format and a study guide. You will get all sixty lectures to use for your own learning, a group Bible study, or other purposes. We are making this unprecedented offer of one of our key teaching series because there is an urgent need today for Christians to be fully grounded in theology. You can donate via our secure website.
We must love God with heart and mind to experience the fullness of Christian discipleship. Your support will help us encourage the church in this truth and provide tools to help believers grow more deeply in Christ. Thank you.
Note: Offer expires 11/30/12. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery after your gift is processed. Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law. For federal income tax purposes, the deductible portion of your charitable contribution is limited to the excess of the money contributed over the value of the goods provided. Our good faith estimate of the value of this resource is $10. Offer valid in U.S. and Canada only. Thank you for your support.