Faith Alone

The Lord is at work redeeming and sanctifying a people for Himself. We are grateful for the opportunity to share these stories of God’s grace with you.

These stories are fueled by our Ministry Partners, and you can help. Will you prayerfully consider standing with us in gospel partnership?

  • Meet the Hrishka Sisters

    “Our lives are a testimony, a living testimony of how God works. And when you have this desire to know who God is more, it’s all you ever want to talk about.” —Luba Hrishka

  • Meet Tommie

    “I felt the freedom, love, joy, and hope that the gospel brings, and I would love for other people to find that wonderful hope. That is my passion.” —Tommie

  • Meet Jaden

    “When I started to hear people like Dr. Sproul, I began to understand. Everything that you do means nothing if you’re pursuing yourself.” —Jaden

  • Meet Christiane

    “God’s Word is the sole arbitrator of truth. If anything contradicts the Bible, I have to believe the Bible because the Bible is true.” —Christiane

  • Meet LeRoy

    “Once you understand your heavenly Father loves you and His Son, Jesus Christ, died for you and is a partner with you in your life through the Holy Spirit, what is it you wouldn’t try to dare to do?” —LeRoy

  • Meet Anais

    “Now I’m able to rest on God’s providence and His sovereignty, knowing that He ordains whatsoever comes to pass and that everything is for my good.” —Anais

  • Meet Nancy

    “There is life after death, even the death of a spouse.” —Nancy

  • Meet Jerry

    “I’m loved by God, and He has chosen to have me at this state in my life.” —Jerry

  • Meet Brett

    “He loved me here at my darkest. He’s going to love me to the end.” —Brett

  • Meet Dennis

    “I’m saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for the glory of God alone. And I was born for such a time as this.” —Dennis

  • Meet Lowell

    “The tears were streaming, and I simply fell on my knees before Him, and I said, ‘Lord, make me a Christian. Change my heart. Take this away and help me to follow you.’ And He did it.” —Lowell

  • Meet Stephen and Ellen

    “Our life is a testimony to the strength that God gives you when you think you have nothing...” —Ellen

  • Meet John

    “Just yesterday, I saw three girls choose life. It's not me. It's Him.” —John Barros

  • Meet Arnaldo

    “If I was supposed to go to Heaven because of my own work, I'm done.” —Arnaldo

  • Meet Derrick

    “Nobody knows more than me that I have absolutely no right to be such a recipient of such grace.” —Derrick
