God Used R.C. Sproul and Continues to Do so Today

God used R.C. Sproul and continues to do so today. R.C.’s teaching is timeless because it centered on the proclamation of God’s unchanging character as revealed in the Bible. Ligonier began as—and continues to be—a fellowship of gifted Bible teachers seeking to serve every age and every stage of the Christian life.
I cannot imagine any future circumstance in which R.C.’s teaching and his distinctive teaching style do not remain the stabilizing force that directs our ministry’s forward momentum. R.C. made the complex simple without being simplistic. He taught theology as an act of worship. Because of R.C.’s tremendous productivity, we are still mining his body of work; because of his passion for discipleship, we are still executing his vision for serving the church globally by promoting Reformed theology everywhere.
It strikes me every year how many people contact Ligonier Ministries for the first time. That growth has been explosive for almost a decade. R.C.’s reach and influence were only accelerating during the final years of his ministry. Millions of new people are just beginning their journey to know this servant of God with his keen logic, bold conviction, and jovial personality.
We are witnesses to God’s provision for His church in giving us a teacher who pointed students to the Word of God and the God of the Word. Here was a servant of Christ convinced that the Christian faith cannot be compartmentalized—it applies to our whole lives. R.C.'s message did not change, and his aim was true.
Even before he went to be with the Lord, we began releasing brief video clips featuring highlights from R.C.’s teaching through the years. By God’s grace, the Lord used R.C. and is continuing to use Ligonier Ministries to renew minds, transform lives, and awaken people to the majesty of God’s holiness.
As we celebrate R.C.’s life and ministry, we’ve compiled six brief videos for you to watch:
- God Is Sovereign
- The Gospel Is Good News
- The Holiness of God
- The Beginnings of Ligonier
- Jesus Is the Only Way
- Faithfully Focusing on the Character of God
Please share these videos with your friends, family, and church community.