Chinese Outreach
Help provide trusted teaching to Chinese-speaking Christians.
What Is the Opportunity?
China has one of the largest populations of any country in the world (1.4 billion people), and Mandarin Chinese competes with English as the most-spoken language in the world. China’s history goes back thousands of years, and the Chinese-speaking church has been affected by many movements and events over the centuries.
Since the Communist Revolution of 1949, the body of Christ in China has faced great opposition, from the Cultural Revolution of 1966–1979 to the present day. A renewed government clampdown, starting in 2018, has seen church leaders imprisoned, church gatherings disrupted, online Bible sales banned, and an increased monitoring of Christians.¹
Nevertheless, the zeal of Chinese believers has not waned during these times, and underground churches have multiplied with evangelistic energy for the spread of the gospel. Some estimate that the number of Protestants in China will surpass that in the United States within a decade, becoming one of the largest Christian populations on earth and a country with great missionary-sending potential.²
Despite this growth, the availability of solid theological resources in China is scarce, and the joy Chinese Christians have in receiving biblical material is great. Ligonier is working to equip Chinese-speaking Christians online and in print, including new dubbed teaching series and study guides, a designated website, and future audio production.
By God’s grace and with your support, the resources Ligonier is providing in Chinese enable pastors to faithfully shepherd their congregations, fathers to lead their homes, and mothers to teach their children. Your donations are a critical part of bringing trustworthy teaching to Chinese-speaking people around the world.
How Is Ligonier Meeting These Needs?
We strive to reach Chinese-speaking pastors, laypeople, and unbelievers from all walks of life through the following outreach efforts:
Online Outreach
We are reaching Chinese-speaking people online with the gospel, including Mainland China, where Christians are facing persecution from the Communist Government. Our dedicated website, YouTube channel, and Facebook page are providing ready access to trustworthy articles, free ebooks, and video teaching series by Dr. R.C. Sproul. Two versions of the website are available: one in simplified Chinese script and another in traditional Chinese script.
The Ligonier Statement on Christology
Confusion abounds regarding Christology—the doctrine of Christ—across China. As the church continues to grow, it is imperative that believers learn the truths of Scripture as summarized in the great confessions of faith. We produced The Word Made Flesh: The Ligonier Statement on Christology to help Christians know the biblical truth that the church has historically confessed and to regain clarity regarding the person and work of Christ. Our goal is to distribute this statement worldwide, and it has already been translated into numerous languages, including both simplified and traditional Chinese.
Growing interest in Reformed theology has sparked an eagerness for more resources from R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries. Our plans include translating, printing, and distributing the following titles:
- Everyone’s a Theologian: An Introduction to Systematic Theology by R.C. Sproul
- In the Year of our Lord: Reflections on Twenty Centuries of Church History by Sinclair Ferguson
- Matthew: An Expositional Commentary by R.C. Sproul
Recently Published Books (Simplified Chinese)
- 1-2 Peter: An Expositional Commentary by R.C. Sproul
- A Field Guide on False Teaching
- Acts: An Expositional Commentary by R.C. Sproul
- By Grace Alone: How the Grace of God Amazes Me by Sinclair Ferguson
- Crucial Questions Booklets by R.C. Sproul
- Galatians: An Expositional Commentary by R.C. Sproul
- If There’s a God, Why Are There Atheists?: Why Atheists Believe in Unbelief by R.C. Sproul
- Learning to Love the Psalms by W. Robert Godfrey
- Lessons from the Upper Room by Sinclair Ferguson
- Luke: An Expositional Commentary by R.C. Sproul
- Parenting by God’s Promises: How to Raise Children in the Covenant of Grace by Joel Beeke
- Romans: An Expositional Commentary by R.C. Sproul
- Saved from What? by R.C. Sproul
- Surprised by Suffering: The Role of Pain and Death in the Christian Life by R.C. Sproul
- R.C. Sproul: A Life by Stephen Nichols
- Three children’s books by R.C. Sproul: The Donkey Who Carried a King, The Priest with Dirty Clothes, and The Prince’s Poison Cup
- The Race of Faith by R.C. Sproul
Recently Published Books (Traditional Chinese)
- Children’s books by R.C. Sproul: The Barber Who Wanted to Pray, The Lightlings, The Donkey Who Carried a King, and The Prince’s Poison Cup
- The Race of Faith by R.C. Sproul
Teaching Series
Our video teaching series help promote theological education in the Chinese-speaking world. The following teaching series have been dubbed into Mandarin Chinese, with subtitles available in both simplified and traditional Chinese, and are available through the Chinese YouTube channel.
- The Basics of the Christian Life with Sinclair Ferguson
- Chosen by God with R.C. Sproul
- Dust to Glory with R.C. Sproul
- Justified by Faith Alone with R.C. Sproul
- Lessons from the Upper Room with Sinclair Ferguson
- Loved by God with R.C. Sproul
- Knowing Scripture with R.C. Sproul
- Moses and the Burning Bush with R.C. Sproul
- Prayer with R.C. Sproul
- The Holiness of God with R.C. Sproul
- The Intimate Marriage with R.C. Sproul
- The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul
- The Parables of Jesus with R.C. Sproul
- The Sermon on the Mount with Sinclair Ferguson
- The Whole Christ with Sinclair Ferguson
- Union with Christ with Sinclair Ferguson
- What Did Jesus Do? with R.C. Sproul
- What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul
- Who is the Holy Spirit? with Sinclair Ferguson
The Reformation Study Bible
Our popular Reformation Study Bible helps to deepen Christians’ study of God’s Word. We are eager to begin translating this trusted resource into Chinese. As with the English edition, the Chinese Reformation Study Bible will have more than 1.1 million words of verse-by-verse commentary and topical explanations, maps and visual aids, trusted contributions from seventy-five distinguished scholars, theological summaries from R.C. Sproul, and nearly two thousand years of creeds, confessions, and catechisms. As R.C. Sproul said, “The light of the Reformation was the light of the Bible.” The same is true today.
What Is Needed?
- Digital Outreach — $44,863 USD (annually)
- Publishing Everyone's a Theologian in simplified Chinese in print and ebook formats — $13,390 USD
Funding needs reflect quoted estimates based on March 2024 foreign exchange rates and current translation fees.
How Do Your Gifts Help?
These are just a few of our many international outreach projects underway. We ask you to prayerfully consider supporting our efforts through your financial gifts and prayers for the Chinese-speaking and global church. You can donate here. Your generosity helps us translate, print, and distribute trustworthy resources, providing countless opportunities to reach people with the truth of God’s Word.
Our policy is to apply gifts given toward a specific program. If we receive more contributions than can be wisely used for a given project, we apply these funds to meet other pressing needs in our outreach efforts. We are committed to stewarding all gifts wisely toward the goal of proclaiming the holiness of God to as many people as possible. Ligonier Ministries is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
¹ See https://www.cnn.com as at April 15, 2020
² See https://www.telegraph.co.uk and http://www.pbs.org as at Aug 8, 2018

Chinese Outreach
Help provide trusted teaching to Chinese-speaking Christians.
How may we help?
Our team would be happy to answer any questions you may have about our outreach or the ways you can help further the mission. Please contact us using the chat bubble, email, or calling 800-435-4343.