Announcing a New Online Home for Tabletalk Magazine

This year marks Tabletalk magazine’s fortieth year of publication. Dr. R.C. Sproul launched Tabletalk in 1977 as a monthly newsletter for the Ligonier Valley Study Center in Ligonier, PA. He named the publication after Martin Luther’s Table Talk, a collection of Luther’s informal teachings gathered by his students during his ministry. The newsletter was initially sent to about one-hundred people. Over the years, the magazine’s circulation grew, and Tabletalk shifted from being a newsletter to being a Bible-study magazine. It continues to see growth today. We now distribute more than 100,000 copies of Tabletalk every month, and the magazine enjoys 250,000 readers in more than seventy countries.
Yet there is an opportunity to reach more people with the truth of God’s Word through Tabletalk. By God’s grace, the magazine has gained a reputation for being thoughtful, trustworthy, and consistent both in its theology and in its tone. We are unashamedly Reformed. The Internet provides a tremendous opportunity for this Word-focused magazine to speak to a Word-starved world. As antiquated as it may seem to a modern age, God’s Word still speaks, and it will not return to Him void. The Word is always relevant, because God is always God.
For this reason, we are pleased to announce, a new website that we hope will share the truth of God’s Word with the world. In particular, we want this website to serve ministry partners, subscribers, and new readers. It will allow ministry partners and subscribers to browse the print magazine online and search through back issues, and it will also allow us to publish articles online that don’t appear in the print magazine. This new website will address cultural questions, Christian living issues, biblical and theological topics, and other subjects. The content will include a broad range of articles, from articles that are more academic in nature to exegetical articles to devotional articles. All of the content will express a biblically-grounded, ecclesially-focused, and confessionally-Reformed perspective.
We are thankful for what the Lord has done through this magazine over the years, and we are grateful for this new opportunity to continue to share the truth of God’s Word through