Announcing our 2016 National Conference: The Gospel
In 2 Peter 1:16, the Apostle tells us that he and the other Apostles "did not follow cleverly devised myths" when they proclaimed "the power and coming" of Christ Jesus. Rather, the Apostles were "eyewitnesses of his majesty." These men saw something take place in space and time that altered the course of human history. The incarnation, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus are not legendary events in a fictional tale. They are firm historical realities on which the Christian faith stands or falls.
In the face of cultural hostility, followers of Christ must not compromise the bold historical witness of the Christian faith. We stand not on a mere idea or a fanciful myth, but on historical events that testify to the fact that Jesus is Lord and Savior.
We must be prepared to articulate and defend our faith so that we can give an answer for the hope that is within us (1 Peter 3:15). To help prepare you for this task, our national conference will be centered on the theme of "The Gospel."
Truth and clarity regarding the life and work of Jesus Christ are critical issues for the rising generation. That is why I am looking forward to revealing the Ligonier Statement on Christology at this conference. It's intended as a clear and memorable articulation of orthodox Christology, and I hope it will serve the Church for years to come.
In addition to our regular conference sessions, we are also hosting an apologetics seminar for youth and families, with the aim of preparing young people to defend the truth of the gospel in an increasingly hostile culture.
We hope that you will be able to join us this winter for a special time of fellowship, worship, prayer, and study as we consider the historical fact and transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Can I count on seeing you in Orlando this February?
In Christ,
R.C. Sproul
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Pre-Conference: Gospel Foundations for Times of Confusion
Join W. Robert Godfrey, Albert Mohler, and William VanDoodewaard for a pre-conference on foundational truths.
Conference Messages
- The Gospel as Historical Fact by Albert Mohler
- Chosen in Christ: God's Eternal Plan of Redemption by Ian Hamilton
- Beginning with Moses: Christ in All the Scriptures by Steven Lawson
- Why the God-Man: The Mystery of the Incarnation by Stephen Nichols
- No Hope without It: The Life of Christ by Steven Lawson
- A Curse for Us: The Death of Christ by Sinclair Ferguson
- The Word Made Flesh: The Ligonier Statement on Christology by R.C. Sproul
- He Is Not Here: The Resurrection of Christ by Michael Reeves
- Taken up into Heaven: The Ascension of Christ by W. Robert Godfrey
- Our Great High Priest: The Heavenly Ministry of Christ by Sinclair Ferguson
- All Things New: The Return of Christ by Michael Reeves
- The Transforming Power of the Gospel by R.C. Sproul
In addition to the conference messages, there will be two question and answer sessions. Learn more by browsing the conference schedule.
Apologetics Seminar for Families and Youth
Join James Anderson, Tim Challies, Greg Koukl, and Tim Keesee for an apologetics seminar aimed at preparing young people to defend the truth of the gospel.
Register for our 2016 National Conference and we'll see you in Orlando next February.