Are You Prepared to Give an Answer?
You and I and all Christians stand on the front lines of the greatest war of human history.
We’re called to defend ground already taken and to advance against the enemy. Armed with truth, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and certain to win because of the decisive victory of Jesus Christ on the cross, God’s people are enlisted to defend and articulate the historic Christian faith.
Ligonier Ministries has a special resource to help you do just that. We’ll send you Dr. R.C. Sproul’s 32-message teaching series Defending Your Faith when you give a gift of any amount to Ligonier.
There’s no doubt whether we’re in a war for hearts and minds—especially the hearts and minds of our young people. While Ligonier serves a global community of Christians, we are celebrating God’s mercy in the overturn of the United States’ federal legalization of abortion on demand. This is no time to stop pressing for the sanctity of life and defending those made in the image of God. The arguments will be more heated than ever, and Ligonier is ready to help Christians to rationally defend their faith and advocate for truth in all its dimensions.
Dr. Sproul was a field general in sending Christians to defend their faith in the marketplace, in schools, in homes, and sadly, even churches. He labored for decades to link theology with living, even arguing strenuously for the biblical understanding of human life and against abortion.
Defending the faith is every Christian’s sacred duty and privilege. Jude 3 gives us our marching orders: We must “contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints.” The question isn’t whether we’re in the fight but how we’ll do battle against the enemy.
Yet, we can’t fulfill this call without proper training. This is where the church’s history and the field of apologetics—defending the faith—are so helpful. We aren’t the first Christians to wage war against the strongholds of Satan and to take every thought captive to Christ (2 Cor. 10:4–5). Faithful teachers have shown us the way. As we carry on their heritage, by God’s grace we’ll see people come to faith in Jesus and witness their lives being transformed.
Ligonier Ministries helps equip believers to defend the faith and advance the gospel in this dark world. Apologetics has always been a key focus of Ligonier’s outreach. Our goal, fueled by your generous support, is to assist people of every age and at every stage of their Christian walk to be able to give an answer for the hope within them (1 Peter 3:15).
Every believer should be ready to give this answer, but in our era young people are in particular need. Full-throated opposition to the truth of God’s Word and the promulgation of godless ideologies means that the rising generation is enduring attacks that we haven’t seen for millennia. Corporations, schools, government, and more are arrayed to indoctrinate our children and set them against God and against their families.
That’s why Ligonier has been ramping up our biblical training and study tools for teenagers and young adults in recent years. This year, we’ll host five Always Ready youth conferences that provide concentrated teaching and encouragement to help students defend their faith with confidence. A few months ago, we released the Reformation Study Bible, Student Edition, which includes resources specifically designed to answer the questions that young people are asking and to guide them in thinking through issues from a Christian perspective. We’re also recording new teaching moments for the scores of younger audiences who are discovering Ligonier on our YouTube and social media channels, and we are striving to distribute our existing apologetics tools to many more people around the world in more languages.
Billions of dollars are being spent to spread lies. We are only needing to raise a fraction of that to spread truth. Will you help?
One of our time-tested discipleship resources is Dr. Sproul’s overview series Defending Your Faith. In 32 messages, R.C. provides a full overview of Christian apologetics, covering reasons for belief, the case for Scriptural truth, the purpose and aims of defending the faith, and much more. We’ll send you this series on DVD this month for your gift of any amount. Excellent for group study, this special edition also includes an additional MP3 CD containing the audio messages and a detailed digital study guide. Plus, as soon as your gift is processed, all these resources will be added to your Learning Library on our website, so you can access and stream this teaching right away here on
Not long before going home to be with the Lord, Dr. Sproul said, “Working through the faithfulness of His church in days gone by, God transformed society with His truth. I believe He’ll do so again as we faithfully defend the faith. In this critical hour, we must be ready to stand firm or we won’t stand at all. We must know what we believe and why, and we must pass it on to our children.” His words ring even truer today, and Ligonier remains ever committed to equipping believers to defend the faith.
Your gift this month will empower our expanding outreach and go far in preparing Christians to defend and advance the faith. Thank you so much.