#AskRC Live Twitter Event: August 2014

Answering theological questions from his students has been a continual commitment throughout Dr. R.C. Sproul's ministry. Originally called "gabfests" by his early students and later, "Ask R.C.," these sessions continue to take place at our conferences, on Renewing Your Mind, and online.
For the first time, with the help of his staff, Dr. Sproul used Twitter to answer your questions. Thank you to everyone who participated in this unique event. You can follow the conversation below:
@Ligonier Thank you very much. This is my maiden voyage on Twitter. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@memarkj Paul is addressing how we are justified before God. James addresses how we justify our profession of faith before men. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@rolandhairston Let the church be the church in all that it does. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@Tantely_Rak No. The validity of baptism depends on the promise of God not on the truth of the parents’ profession. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@founty79 I don’t think so. I believe it is a prohibition against polygamy. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@CalvinistBatman The doctrine of God. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@Ligonier Because it is important to understand the Word of God in the full scope of His revelation. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@Chris_1286 The Apostle Paul. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@brianfalexander Calvinism is based on the biblical principle of the moral inability of fallen men to bring themselves to saving faith.
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@brianfalexander Regeneration precedes faith. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@chriscanuel I have never given it a second thought. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@TylerEason Either Calvin’s Institutes or Edwards’ Freedom of the Will. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@AnneKGray I prefer the NASB for study. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@PastorOnTheFly Sinclair Ferguson’s volume on the Holy Spirit: http://t.co/OdKeFoNd7m #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@kevinfiske No. The whole book. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@Lorywd Editor’s preference. Could be capitalized when used as a circumlocution for the kingdom of God. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@Ligonier Yes. I think I might be the only one in church history. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@coachsmith5 Maintaining a biblical view of the person and work of Christ. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@kjcopp Charles Hodge, John Murray, John Calvin, and Martin Luther. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@DjrushingJean Because he was a child of Abraham. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@Echo4CharlyZulu The Trinity, the person and work of Christ, justification by faith alone, and the authority of Scripture. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@PastorSJCamp Classic reformed theology categorically rejects both quietism and activism. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@DPhilipVeitch Calvin, Turretin, Hodge, Warfield, and Augustine. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@Ligonier Only when pressed to the wall. Genesis 15:17 #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@marckjosh Swimming. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@NearTime There are so many. I read a vast variety. But I really appreciate Don Carson. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@brentthewalrus Fear and Trembling. Either / Or (2 volumes). #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@JasonMWoelm Yes. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@willphillips04 Christian Paul. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@jlilarodriguez Yes. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@Matt_Adams90 Focus on your studies and prepare yourself as much as possible for future ministry. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@Diane_Why Learning theology is good for everybody. That’s why I wrote Everyone’s a Theologian: http://t.co/XEh6ZwgSCt #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@mckenney_tj He is not as well known, but he is beloved. He’s also buried under a parking lot. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@DeninNH I carried it to practice coin slight-of-hand. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@Ligonier It’s a toss-up between @RefNet and @RefBibleCollege. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@JPauloMartinez Yes. We are working to that end. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@wongoesbarefoot There is no substitute for biblical preaching. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@NickMolick It is hard to pick one, but I love Rock of Ages. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@_patricia_grace By the assurance of the Holy Spirit speaking in and through the Word. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@taronzakaryan The Apostle Paul would have an enormously larger reward. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@DavidWBryson Christ is given for our salvation. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@Sepoy1857 We can’t. Focus on the will of God revealed in Scripture which is chiefly your sanctification. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@Riales55 Yes. Ephesians and Luke. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@OtisRobertson Moby Dick. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@cp_2tank_kid Calvin’s Institutes. Augustine on the Trinity. The Holy Trinity by Robert Letham. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@proctormatt I think he is an antichrist. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@jeffgibsonx4 Yes. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@AustinMC877 Get in the Word and stay in the Word. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@davymoore112 No. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@NeheKJeon Very unlikely. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@JASG787 Find out who God is. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@richyhall I don’t recognize the difference. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@M_Bmomof7 Yes. From @RefTrust on the doctrine of Scripture. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@marina65 To satisfy the demands of God's justice. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014
.@Ligonier I thoroughly enjoyed my first experience on Twitter. Tweet, tweet. #AskRC
— R.C. Sproul (@rcsproul) August 20, 2014