Audio And Video Now Available — 2012 Fall Conference

2 Min Read
Last month we held our 2012 Fall Conference at Reformation Bible College on the theme, "Surprised by God." Leading up to the conference R.C. Sproul expressed his fear that, "too many of us have domesticated God." Our prayer during this time of learning, edification, and fellowship, was that many would be humbled, recognizing their position as creatures before our transcendent and holy Creator.
We are now pleased to announce that the audio and video from each session is available either to purchase or stream for free:
- The Lamb Who Reigns (Pre-Conference Round Table) with Grant, Mathison, Morales, Nichols, Sproul Jr., and Sproul.
- A Rekindled Flame: The Reformation's Rediscovery of God by Stephen Nichols
- Inklings of Wonder by George Grant
- God in a Book by Stephen Nichols
- The Call to Wonder by R.C. Sproul Jr.
- Questions & Answers with Grant, Morales, Nichols, Sproul Jr., and Sproul
- Shekinah by Michael Morales
- The Eclipse of God by R.C. Sproul
We hope to see many of you at our other events in early 2013: 2013 National Conference, Caribbean Cruise, and British Reformation Tour.