Audio And Video Now Available — 2012 National Conference

Last week we held our 2012 National Conference on the theme, "The Christian Mind." R.C. Sproul has said in the past that "burning hearts are not nourished by empty heads." This was experienced during the conference as thousands of hearts were inflamed to worship and serve our Lord as they sat under biblical teaching, either in person or via our live stream, and were exhorted to think like Christians in the midst of an anti-Christian culture.
We are now pleased to announce the audio and video from each main session is available either to purchase or stream for free:
- Have You Lost Your Mind? by R.C. Sproul
- We Don't Need No Education by Robert Godfrey
- Q&A with Ferguson, Godfrey, Lawson, Mohler, Sproul
- I've Got Half a Mind Too by Albert Mohler
- The (True) Scandal of the Evangelical Mind by R.C. Sproul Jr.
- Losing My Religion by Sinclair Ferguson
- Rock of Ages & The Age of Rocks by Stephen Meyer
- Q&A with Horton, Meyer, Sproul, Sproul Jr., Tackett
- The Fear Factor by Michael Horton
- When Worlds Collide by Del Tackett
- Ignorance Is Not Bliss by Robert Godfrey
- Foolishness to the Greeks by Steven Lawson
- Love The Lord Your God With All Your Mind by R.C. Sproul
Optional Sessions:
- Parenting by God's Promises by Joel Beeke
- Thriving at College by Alex Chediak
- The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon by Steven Lawson
Michael Card's optional session is not available due to a problem with the recording.
We hope to see many of you at our other events this year in Houston, Alaska, and Seattle. In 2013, our National Conference will be February 21-23, 2013. Save those dates and stay tuned for more details.