In Christ Alone: Living the Gospel Centered Life — Free eBook

During the month of August, Reformation Trust is giving away the eBook edition of Sinclair Ferguson's In Christ Alone. This book explores various aspects of the person and work of Jesus. It has been written to help believers gain a better understanding of their Savior and the Christian faith, and to live out that faith in their day-to-day lives. In Christ Alone is packed full of nuggets of Scriptural truth that will spark and fan the flames of the believer's love for the Savior who is so beautiful in His person and so faithful in His work on behalf of His beloved sheep.
"Whether you are a new Christian looking for basic Christian doctrine or a more mature one wanting a refresher, this book will both instruct you and delight you. I warmly commend it to all Christians who want to grow in their faith."
—Jerry Bridges
"The title In Christ Alone is enough to make hearts brave and souls stand at attention. And Sinclair Ferguson, the consummate teacher, takes great pains to explain the supreme sufficiency of Jesus Christ and why He is 'enough.'"
—Joni Eareckson Tada
Download the ePub edition from the Ligonier Store.
All download options:
- In Christ Alone (ePub)
- In Christ Alone (Kindle)
- In Christ Alone (iTunes)
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How do I download my ePub?
After purchasing the eBook, you will be directed to your Dashboard (you must set up a Ligonier account to access your Dashboard and all electronic files). You will see the title listed as well as a "File" link. Click on "File" and the ePub file will be downloaded to your computer. You may then move the file to your designated software and upload to your device.
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Offer expires August 31, 2013.