Christ’s Mercy Is Greater Than Our Failures

You and I can relate to the Apostle Peter, can’t we?
Peter’s journey in the Gospels mirrors our own Christian walk. We see his genuine desire to follow Christ faithfully, even when he faltered.
This month, we’ll send you a new book and teaching series on the life of Peter when you give a donation of any amount to Ligonier Ministries. More on that below.
On the one hand, Peter was often the first to show trust in our Lord even when Jesus called him to do what appeared impossible—such as walk on water (Matt. 14:28–29). However, Peter often seemed to speak before thinking. He initially objected to Jesus’ teaching that He must go to the cross, and Peter had to be rebuked by the Savior (16:21–23). Who can forget his proud assertion that he would never deny the Lord, only to deny Him a few hours later (26:30–35, 69–75)?
I’m sure Peter looked back with regret when he fell short, especially when he denied Jesus. Yet, the Lord was not finished with him. As we see at the end of John’s gospel and in the book of Acts, Jesus continued to mold him, restoring Peter to ministry and using him to help establish the church.
Peter’s story reminds us that Christ’s mercy is greater than our failures. Like him, we are graciously being molded in our Master’s hands. The same Lord who transformed Peter is at work in His people today.
Amazingly, Jesus uses you and me in that transformation work as He changes us and forms us in ways to minister to others. Friends like you who support Ligonier Ministries are helping to serve people worldwide. Your generous gifts and prayers enable the development and distribution of the world’s largest library of discipleship resources faithful to the historic Christian faith. These resources impart the truth of God’s Word to men, women, and children for their growth in grace.
Sanctification is the ongoing process of being molded by Jesus into His image. Ligonier Ministries focuses on this element of discipleship in obedience to the Great Commission. For more than five decades, the Lord has used our discipleship materials in individual lives and local churches worldwide, helping Christians to grow in grace.
It seems, however, that discipleship has fallen on hard times. False teaching abounds, even as many professing Christians look for a shortcut to the holiness that God seeks to produce in us.
Growing in grace requires intentional discipleship in the things of God. As God works in us by His Spirit, we work out our salvation in fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12–13).
Dr. R.C. Sproul taught us this: “Sanctification requires diligently attending to the means God has given us. The growth may be slow, almost imperceptible at times, but it is sure.”
These means are the Word of God, the sacraments, and prayer. Protestants, looking to passages such as 2 Timothy 3:16–17, have always prioritized the Word. Through the study of Scripture and its doctrines, our minds are renewed and our lives transformed (Rom. 12:1–2).
So many questions face us today. How can we help the next generation stand firm in the gospel? How do we help churches in South America, Africa, and Asia avoid the heresies that now plague the West? How can we foster revitalization among God’s people in North America, Europe, and Australia? How do we put our hands to the plow each week, following Christ as we serve our families, labor in the workforce, and love our neighbors?
The answer to those questions is the same—by diligently studying and applying biblical truth.
That is why Ligonier assists the church in forming people who can know and rightly apply the Bible. Our Always Ready conferences train young people to defend the faith, and Reformation Bible College prepares students for lifelong gospel ministry or another vocation to the glory of God. Our translations of the Reformation Study Bible and other resources into the world’s most-spoken languages are helping the global church. Here in the West, our distribution of existing resources and the development of new teaching assist Christians in understanding, proclaiming, and growing in their faith.
In God’s providence, your prayers and donations sustain this work and make even more outreach possible.
Two of our newest resources are Dr. Derek Thomas’ teaching series and companion hardcover book: The Life of Peter: Molded in the Master’s Hands. Dr. Thomas, one of our Ligonier Teaching Fellows, takes us through the life and ministry of Peter, showing us how Jesus shaped him into an Apostle to whom we still look for guidance in what it means to be a disciple. We’ll give you lifelong streaming access to the teaching series and send you a copy of the book and DVD when you give a gift of any amount to Ligonier.
Together, we can provide a lifeline of biblical truth to people in many places around the world, helping them grow as disciples of Christ. Thank you for supporting this mission to reach the nations with faithful discipleship resources.