Nov 3, 2008

Columns from Tabletalk Magazine, November 2008

2 Min Read


The November edition of Tabletalk is out. This month's theme is "The Church of Jesus Christ and its Impact Around the World." The issue looks at the global church, rejoicing in the worldwide witness of the Christian faith. Editor Burk Parsons says this:

"when we gather together for worship on the Lord's Day, we are joining our hearts and minds with believers from all over the world as we prepare for that great day when we will join together coram Deo, before the face of God, falling on our faces, proclaiming, 'Let all Christians from around the world join with us to greet our Savior Jesus Christ.' In our worldwide witness, we are bearing witness to the undeniable reality that the good news of Jesus Christ has turned the world upside down (Acts 17:6)."

Contributors include R.C. Sproul, John Piper, Joni Eareckson Tada, Peter Hammond, Robert Rothwell, Joel Beeke, Jerry Bridges and Tom Ascol.

We do not post all of the feature articles or the daily devotionals from the issue, so you'll have to subscribe to get those. But for now, here are links to a few select columns and articles from this month:

Coram Deo (Living Before the Face of God):
"The World Upside Down" by Burk Parsons

Right Now Counts Forever:
"Ecclesiastical Myopia" by R.C. Sproul

Pastor's Perspective:
"Holding the Rope" by John Piper

Pro Ecclesia (For the Church):
"Spontaneous Compassion" by Joni Eareckson Tada

Generation to Generation
"Bedtime Stories" by Douglas F. Kelly

Tolle Lege (Take Up and Read):
"A Visible Word" by Keith A. Mathison

Seek Ye First:
"Conquering the World" by R.C. Sproul Jr.

Truth and Consequences:
"The Old Mission Field" by Gene Edward Veith

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