Columns from Tabletalk Magazine, August 2020
The August issue of Tabletalk explores the Bible’s teaching on Christian discourse. As creatures made in the image of God, human beings reflect His speaking nature by communicating with one another. We use words to explain ourselves, make arguments, ask questions, express our opinions, and communicate our love and well wishes. Like every other area of life, however, human discourse has been corrupted by the fall into sin. Thankfully, part of our redemption and conformity to Christ involves the renewal of our discourse, as the Lord empowers us by His Spirit to follow the principles He has revealed for how we should speak to one another. Through exegesis and application of some of the most important biblical passages on human discourse, this issue seeks to help Christians communicate in a God-honoring manner in a number of different areas.
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- Gentle Christian Discourse by Burk Parsons
- Truth in Discourse by David Camera
- Life-Giving Discourse by David P. Murray
- Discourse with the Foolish by Harry L. Reeder III
- Truly Loving Discourse by Jason K. Allen
- Discourse with Enemies by Lee Gatiss
- Congregational Discourse by Mark E. Ross
- Gracious, Seasoned Discourse by David F. Coffin Jr.
- Encouraging Discourse by David Mathis
- Model Discourse by Jay Bauman
- Controlled Discourse by Nathan Busenitz
- Apologetic Discourse by Thor Madsen
- Contending Discourse by Barry J. York
- Desperately Wicked Hearts by D. Blair Smith
- When Your Brother Sins against You by Timothy Z. Witmer
- When Our Witness Falters by Jonathan Landry Cruse
- Resurrection Life in the Spirit by Gabriel N.E. Fluhrer
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