Columns from Tabletalk Magazine, January 2021
The January 2021 issue of Tabletalk considers the 2020 State of Theology Survey. Scripture calls believers to keep watch on their doctrine so that they can recognize false teaching and instruct others according to the truths of God’s Word (1 Tim. 4:16; Titus 1:9; 2:1). Sadly, however, we live in what Dr. R.C. Sproul called the most anti-doctrinal era in the history of the church. Far too many Christians—including laypeople, pastors, and teachers—do not understand the essential doctrines of our faith as taught in Scripture and summarized in the great creeds and confessions of the church. This is evident in Ligonier Ministries’ biennial State of Theology Survey, the results of which reveal an appalling lack of basic theological understanding even among professing Christians. This issue of Tabletalk seeks to help address this problem by providing the correct answers to the questions asked in the Ligonier Ministries survey while explaining why the truths that the survey asks about are essential for faithful Christian living.
- The State of Our Souls by Burk Parsons
- The State of Theology by Keith A. Mathison
- The Meanest Man in Texas
- Honoring the Watchmen on the Wall by Keith A. Mathison
- Honoring the Watchmen on the Wall by John P. Sartelle Sr.
- Unseen Righteousness by Victor Cruz
- The Context of the Westminster Assembly by Greg A. Salazar
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