Jul 5, 2016

Columns from Tabletalk Magazine, July 2016

3 Min Read

The July issue of Tabletalk addresses doubt and assurance. The quest for full assurance of salvation has long concerned the people of God. Many have felt the tension expressed by the psalmist, "If you, O LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, that you may be feared" (Ps. 130:3–4). This question was especially important during the Reformation, when some of the finest theologians and pastors in church history gave careful attention to developing a biblical doctrine of assurance. This issue uses chapter 18 of the Westminster Confession of Faith as a summary of the Bible's teaching in order to encourage readers in the beautiful and comforting truth of the doctrine of assurance.

We do not post all of the feature articles or the daily devotionals from the issue, so you'll have to either purchase the issue or subscribe to get those. But for now, here are links to several free columns and articles from this month:

Subscribe to Tabletalk today for only $23 a year, and $20 to renew. You save even more if you get a 2- or 3-year subscription (as little as $1.36 per issue). Get your subscription to Tabletalk today by calling one of Ligonier Ministries' resource consultants at 800-435-4343 or by subscribing online and receive immediate access to the digital edition.

Each month, Tabletalk carefully selects resources to help you grow as a Christian. Browse this month's resources here.

Here's a preview of what's coming up in Tabletalk over the coming months:


The August issue will consider addictions and the hope the Bible gives us in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Listen to an interview about this issue on Renewing Your Mind.

The Church

The September issue will help Christians discover the importance of the doctrine of the church by considering how it reflects the beauty and glory of God in Christ.

The Sixteenth Century

The October issue will consider the vast scope of the Reformation in order to give a greater appreciation not only of its history but also of the need to continue the work of the Reformation today

Subscribe to Tabletalk today for only $23 a year, and $20 to renew.

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