Columns from Tabletalk Magazine, June 2014
The June issue of Tabletalk is out. This issue examines what Scripture teaches concerning our associations with other people both inside and outside the visible church. With whom can we unite ecclesiastically and theologically? Where do we draw the line? Does endorsement of a book entail endorsement of everything an author believes? How do we interact with those who are under church discipline? How do we relate to their families? When should we break fellowship with a professing Christian? If we broke fellowship with someone and another person fellowships with them, should we break fellowship with the second person? This issue of Tabletalk will seek to answer these and many other important practical questions.
Contributors include R.C. Sproul along with David Murray, Carl R. Trueman, Sinclair B. Ferguson, Iain D. Campbell, Tim Witmer, R.C. Sproul Jr., Susan Hunt, John P. Sartelle, Steven J. Lawson, Dan Cruver, and others.
This month, we are making the digital edition free to read. Simply download the app from the App Store, Google Play, or Amazon. If you don't own a tablet, here are links to several free columns and articles from the June's issue:
- Contending for Peace and Purity by Burk Parsons
- The Purposes of God by R.C. Sproul
- Being Sought First, the Kingdom of God by R.C. Sproul Jr.
- The Goodnes of Gender by Susan Hunt
- When God Goes Missing by John P. Sartelle
- A Passion for Preaching: An Interview with Steven J. Lawson
- Living in the Story by Dan Cruver
Subscribe to Tabletalk today for only $23 a year, and $20 to renew. You save even more if you get a 2- or 3-year subscription (as little as $1.36 per issue). Get your subscription to Tabletalk today by calling one of Ligonier Ministries' resource consultants at 800-435-4343 or by subscribing online and receive immediate access to the digital edition.
Here's a preview of what's coming up in Tabletalk over the coming months:
The Fourteenth Century
The July issue will examine the fourteenth century and help Christians better understand where we are today by looking closely at where we have been in the past.
The Ordinary Christian Life
The August issue explains that the ordinary Christian life, the life to which all believers are called by the Lord Jesus, is, by its very nature, the radical Christian life.
The Church and the Parachurch
The September issue explains the nature, place, and purpose of parachurch ministries.
Subscribe to Tabletalk today for only $23 a year, and $20 to renew.