Courage in a Time of Compromise

You’ve doubtless been concerned about the direction that so many churches and professing Christians have taken over the past few years. I know we have been.
This month, Ligonier Ministries is offering two special resources to help Christians in this troubled time of compromise. We’ll send you a unique centennial edition of J. Gresham Machen’s classic book Christianity and Liberalism and a copy of Dr. Stephen Nichols’ enlightening teaching series on Machen’s life and work when you give a gift of any amount to Ligonier.
This same wave of unbelief that Machen witnessed in his day is influencing all major institutions, including many churches, in our present age. In the midst of these ongoing challenges, we’re called to stand firm, prayerful and active, in the face of unbelief (2 Cor. 10), remembering that our warfare is not carnal but divinely powerful to demolish strongholds of unbelief. True Christians, driven by love for God and neighbor, respond in prayer and action, proclaiming the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27).
As Ligonier upholds the discipleship imperative of the Great Commission, it is our joy to serve the Lord and His church in many places and in many languages. Our team recognizes this crucial time and, with the Lord’s help, strives to fulfill our mission set by Dr. R.C. Sproul.
None of what we’ve witnessed in recent months is new. Christ and His Apostles told us that there would be those in the church who were not truly part of the church (1 John 2:19), that not all Israel is Israel (Rom 9:6), and that hypocrites and wolves would arise (Acts 20:29).
True Christians must not be lulled into complacency, assuming that past faithfulness guarantees present safety. Until Christ’s return, churches are always one generation away from apostasy; only by passing on the truth can we continue in it. While the church universal remains invincible, individual churches and denominations can falter, as history shows.
Our duty is to preserve and promote truth where God has positioned us. Graciously, God has gifted us teachers such as Dr. Sproul, a battlefield theologian who contended for the faith (Jude 3) in the tradition of men like J. Gresham Machen. Ligonier Ministries was designed by R.C. to communicate the whole counsel of God, helping Christians know what they believe, why they believe it, how to live it, and how to share it.
Machen contended for the fundamental truth of the gospel in his generation. R.C. loved Machen’s book Christianity and Liberalism and thought it should be on the must-read list of classic theological books. Machen refused to compromise on the fundamentals of Christianity and emphasized that theological liberalism is not Christianity at all but a completely different religion with disastrous consequences. This year, 2023, marks the centennial anniversary of the book’s publication, and its message is perhaps even more relevant today than it was a hundred years ago.
Because of the singular importance of Christianity and Liberalism, Ligonier has recently published a special anniversary edition of Machen’s book to clarify for Christians the vital biblical issues at stake in our day and to equip them to stand for the truth. To enhance your study of these pressing issues, we have also produced a companion twelve-part teaching series from Dr. Stephen Nichols. Together, these resources are a gospel trumpet blast, rallying God’s people to the fray with confidence in His living, active, and unshakable Word. We will gladly send both resources to you in gratitude for your donation of any amount to support Ligonier’s much-needed outreach.
R.C. warned us that the gospel must be communicated clearly and defended in every generation. Ligonier Ministries is striving to see this happen now in an expansive way by coming alongside the global church as it boldly proclaims the gospel.
Ligonier is standing firm, not standing still. Thank you for your timely gift to advance the kingdom of God.