Created for Worship: New Teaching Series Available
We won’t find the meaning of our lives by merely looking within. Our Creator made us with a purpose: to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.
In his new teaching series, Rev. Jason Helopoulos demonstrates that worship isn’t just one part of the Christian life—it is our life. As people made in the image of God, and as sinners made new through redemption in Jesus Christ, worship is our present calling and eternal destiny.
In Created for Worship, discover how we are to fulfill our calling as God’s worshipers in the church, in our families, and in our everyday lives.
Clear, Biblical Answers
- Why is worship so foundational to our identity?
- How does God want us to worship Him in the church?
- What can it look like to worship with our families?
- How can we worship God in day-to-day life?
- In what ways is worship related to our ultimate hope?
Find helpful answers to these questions and many more in this 11-message teaching series. Richly theological and intentionally practical, Created for Worship is an effective study for group discussion, Sunday school classes, family discipleship, and personal growth for anyone seeking to cultivate a life of worship.
Get Your First Glimpse
You can watch the first message for free. Looking at the vast beauty of the universe, we see God’s majesty in creation. But all this grandeur might also make us feel small, and we may begin to wonder why God created us. To begin this series, Rev. Helopoulos starts to explain the wonderful purpose of our existence: to reflect God’s image and fill creation with His glory.
Many Formats Available
When you order this teaching series as a digital download or on DVD, we’ll add all 11 messages to your Learning Library on so you can stream them anytime. A companion study guide is also available in paperback and digital formats to expand your learning with lesson objectives, Scripture readings relevant to each message, lesson outlines, and questions for personal reflection or group discussion. Additionally, you can further your study online by taking the Ligonier Connect course.