Dealing with Doubt
Here's an excerpt from Dealing with Doubt, Randy Alcorn's contribution to the October issue of Tabletalk:
In times of doubt, difficulty, and trials, our fundamental beliefs about God and our faith are revealed. So how can Christians find faith in the midst of doubt? How can they trust God's plan when their lives seem out of His control, and prayers seem to go unanswered or, as it sometimes feels, even unheard?
If you or someone you love has been there, these questions may be far more personal than theoretical. You might ask questions like these: Is God good? Is He sovereign? Does He care?
When we're assailed by trials, we need perspective for our minds and relief for our hearts. It's essential that we realign our worldview by God's inspired Word: "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness" (2 Tim. 3:16).
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