Oct 25, 2019

Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Christ Alone

1 Min Read

Roman Catholics believe salvation is by faith plus works, grace plus merit, and Christ plus our own righteousness. In this brief clip, R.C. Sproul looks at the Reformers' objections to this view.

This Reformation Month, watch a short video every day on the history and insights of the Protestant Reformation. And don't forget that for this month only, you can request your free digital download of R.C. Sproul’s video teaching series Luther and the Reformation plus the ebook edition of The Legacy of Luther, edited by R.C. Sproul and Stephen Nichols at ligm.in/Reformation. Offer ends October 31, 2019.


In the Roman Catholic view, it is faith plus works that gives us justification. It is grace plus merit that gives us justification. It is Christ plus me and my inherent righteousness that gives me justification. That’s the formula in a nutshell. The reformers objected strenuously to this and said, “No.” This is crossed out by the reformers. This is crossed out by the reformers, and my inherent righteousness is crossed out, so that you have faith alone, grace alone, Christ alone.