Happy 75th Birthday, R.C.

"And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.
How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God." (Psalm 139:16b–17a)
What makes '75' special? There's no obvious reason that it would be distinguished from '74' or '76'. Indeed every day, every breath, is a gift from the Lord. Yet there are moments to raise a testimony of thankfulness, to collectively acknowledge the mercies of God. This is one of those moments for us.
How grateful we are for God's calling on Dr. Sproul's life and his sustaining grace. Below you can find several of the thousands of notes of thanks that we received from ministry friends on the news of this milestone, but only in heaven will we meet all of the personal illustrations of the truth that the Holy Spirit brings life through the teaching of the Word. That Word also tells us that those who teach are worthy of double honor. And rightly so.
From all of the Ligonier team, we wish you a happy birthday, Dr. Sproul. You are dearly loved and deeply appreciated.
"It was Renewing your Mind, in 1997, that exposed me to the Gospel of God's grace and set my heart aflame for the Gospel. Thank you R.C. You couldn't pick me out of a crowd but your ministry has meant the world to me. Blessings!" —Rich
"Thank you for not only speaking to my mind but also the heart. I listened to you 10 years past while in jail and learned of a forgiving God that offers peace. May God give you many more years of teaching." —Mike
"A year ago my daughter told me about an App she had on her phone called Ligonier and suggested I listen to your teachings. This has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself. Your in-depth study is evident in your teachings affording me the security that I am hearing the real message. The clarity in your presentation is eye opening and brings things to light that I have never heard before. I am in awe of your knowledge and dedication to helping people grow. I listen to your broadcasts daily on my way to work and it brings not only knowledge but new peace to a soul that has lived in turbulence for years...I tell you this because I want you to know you are reaching people like me. People that live in their inner shadows. People that desperately need what you offer through your teaching and ministry. You are making a difference in people you will never meet. You are providing hope worldwide Dr. Sproul. Through you, I am beginning to heal." —'Woman at the Well'
"I have listened to over 1500 of your iTunes podcasts and web audio/video streams, read 20+ of your books, and often go to sleep with my iPod in my ear listening to your series/monthly partner recordings. My family and I will be forever blessed by the wisdom and truth that God has poured out of your life into ours." —Brent
"I've been reading your books and listening to your sermons since I was born again in 1977. Jesus said 'Seek and you will find.' I sought instruction and the Lord delivered your teaching. God bless you richly for your ministry." —Joan
"I received free material from you while I served as a chaplain in the US Navy. My oldest son is also now serving as a chaplain the Navy and he too has used your free resources. I get your Tabletalk and have read many of your books and articles and listened to your tapes, CD's, DVD and VHS materials. My wife and I pray for you and your ministry and family and are very gratefully for your ministry and you as a person. May God continue to richly bless you and your family." —Michael
"Happy 75th RC! You have been such a big influence on my life and I thank God for you! I have ready over 50 of your books and am now reading your commentaries too as I can not get enough of your clear, insightful and helpful Bible teaching and exposition. You are a hero to me and your teaching has not only changed my life, but impacted the people of the small country of Togo, West Africa too where we are missionaries. May God bless you with good health and may your Steelers win another Superbowl soon." —Anon
"I was born and raised a Moslem in the Middle East. I came to the truth of the Gospel 13 years ago and for past 5 years I have been a faithful listener to your teachings. I would like you to know that I have learned more from you than anyone else in my Christian journey. Thank you for being so clear in your presentations. Thank you for being so passionate about God's holiness. May our Great God grant you many more years of service to His kingdom and may He use your teaching to call His people out of darkness and into the glorious light of His Son. Happy birthday and God bless." —Shahram
What about you? Do you have a story to tell? We'd love to hear it. Simply [email](mailto:RCbirthday@Ligonier.org?subject=Happy Birthday, Dr. Sproul) it to RCbirthday[at]Ligonier.org, and we'll pass them along to Dr. Sproul.
Also, as part of his visual theology infographic series featuring contemporary ministers and theologians, Tim Challies has produced an infographic highlighting Dr. Sproul's ministry. You can enjoy the infographic here.