Help Equip God’s People with the Truth

Families, young people, and even pastors around the world lack the Bible study resources they need to grow in their knowledge of God and His holiness. And when God’s people lack access to the truth, they’re left susceptible to the lies of the world.
You can help extend the reach of faithful biblical teaching in 2025.
Please consider supporting Ligonier with a generous year-end gift to help more people in more places grow in their knowledge of God and His holiness.
As we look forward to 2025, your critical support can help Ligonier:
- Equip church leaders globally with the Reformation Study Bible
- Reach the next generation with age-specific Bible teaching
These two strategic areas of focus flow out of the mission that Dr. R.C. Sproul set for this ministry: to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God in all its fullness to as many people as possible.
Thank you for your timely generosity and your vital role in cultivating a global awakening to the holiness of God.
Don’t delay—online giving for 2024 ends tomorrow at 11:30 p.m. ET.