Help Proclaim God’s Promises Worldwide

Have you ever been disappointed by a broken promise or a failed commitment? Have you ever let someone down by not keeping your word?
I have. In this fallen and sinful world, nearly all of us have borne the wounds of a friend who has fallen short of their word. Some of us also know the grief and regret of failing to uphold our promises. Even despite our best intentions, at times our commitments falter.
If we rest our hopes in the faithfulness of other people, or even our own trustworthiness, we’ll inevitably despair. Instead, Christians take comfort in knowing that our God always keeps His promises.
We want to send you a new book and video teaching series on God’s promise-keeping faithfulness. Request these two resources with your donation to Ligonier Ministries.
Throughout his teaching ministry, Dr. R.C. Sproul regularly returned to this theme of God’s faithfulness to His promises in redemptive history—or what we call covenant theology. R.C. said, “God reveals His Word and His plan biblically through the structure of various covenants.” These covenants, or guaranteed promises and commitments, remind us that though God’s people may sometimes waver, His purpose of salvation never will.
We encounter God’s unchanging covenant faithfulness as early as the Bible’s third chapter. When Adam sinned, he cast the human race into sin and misery. As Creator, the Lord had every right to bring judgment. Yet in the wake of Adam’s failure, God announced His promise to bring a Savior who would crush evil and bring rescue and redemption to His people (Gen 3.15).
The rest of the Bible beautifully unfolds this covenant promise, revealing the Lord Jesus Christ. He has come to create a renewed humanity, reconciled to God and brought safely home. Though we waver and stumble, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb. 13:8). As R.C. reminded us, “We are secure, not because we hold tightly to Jesus, but because He holds tightly to us.”
God’s one plan of salvation is throughout the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. And Ligonier serves the church as a Bible-teaching and discipleship organization dedicated to the truth that it takes a whole Bible to make a whole Christian. Christians must gain a firm understanding of our promise-keeping God to grow and stand firm in the face of opposition.
We press forward confidently in Ligonier’s Great Commission outreach because Christ has promised to build His church (Matt. 16:18). Our national conference in April will focus on this marvelous promise, and I hope to see many of you here in Orlando. At the conference, we’ll also unveil Ligonier’s new children’s curriculum, the latest addition to our library of resources to serve families and to ground the rising generation in God’s Word.
Ligonier’s outreach is active globally, since the Lord’s promise to build His church extends to all nations. We must proclaim God’s gospel promises to the ends of the earth, and your crucial support advances this work. For example, I recently met with translation partners in Dubai to view progress on the Arabic Reformation Study Bible. We’re eager to update you further in the coming years as your generosity brings this resource nearer to completion in service to Christians throughout the Middle East.
In September, Ligonier will open a new facet of our outreach to serve the global church when we hold our first conference in Asia. More than two billion souls live within a six-hour flight from the conference venue in Singapore, opening new vistas for future ministry. Thanks to your support, we look forward to equipping God’s people and deepening service in this strategic region.
When you further Ligonier’s outreach this month with a donation, you’ll be among the first to receive two of our newest resources. Dr. John Fesko, a gifted teacher and friend of R.C. and Ligonier, has produced a video teaching series and companion book presenting the foundational truths of Reformed covenant theology. This edifying study through God’s redemptive promises in Scripture is titled Signed, Sealed, Delivered. For your gift of any amount, we’ll send you both resources created to help enrich your study and deepen your faith in our steadfast Savior.
“He who promised is faithful” (Heb. 10:23). Let’s stand together to proclaim the promises of God in all the earth. Thank you for your generous partnership in the gospel.