Help Strengthen the Global Church with God’s Truth

6 Min Read
Do you see it? A battle for the truth is raging all around us.
Ignorance and false teaching obscure the knowledge of God and His gospel around the globe. Ligonier Ministries needs your financial support at year’s end to help bring light to the darkness.
Growing instability in our world has eroded authority in all spheres of society. Amid this turmoil, many people settle for superficial standards on what passes for “truth.”
Ligonier’s founder, Dr. R.C. Sproul, saw that this isn’t a problem only outside the church. We face these challenges among professing Christians as well. As the “pillar and buttress of the truth” (1 Tim. 3:15), the church of our Lord Jesus Christ must be a beacon of truth in a world embroiled in confusion and deception.
This is no time for God’s people to fear. He is our mighty fortress (Ps. 46:7). We uphold the truth that God alone is holy, that He has spoken, and that His Word has authority over every heart and life. This is the truth that Dr. Sproul taught us to proclaim, defend, and cherish. If we do not exalt the holiness of God, the world remains in darkness about who He is—and, by extension, who we are and how much we need Christ. This is the most urgent need of our time.
Every week seems to bring new milestones that affirm that now is the time for Ligonier to press forward, seizing new ground for the kingdom of God with confidence and courage. This ministry stands on the historic Christian faith and is therefore uniquely positioned to be a faithful supply line to the front lines of the Great Commission.
Looking forward, two strategic areas of focus drive Ligonier’s expanding outreach as we strive to see a global awakening to the truth of who God is: (1) Equipping church leaders globally with the Reformation Study Bible and (2) Reaching the next generation with age-specific Bible teaching.
Ministry friends such as you have been so vital in advancing the discipleship vision of Dr. Sproul. Your gift by December 31 can help meet Ligonier’s year-end fundraising goal and undergird these global initiatives to further the cause of biblical truth.
Ligonier’s first strategic focus is illustrated by disturbing news that our global outreach team recently shared with me. I was shocked to learn that 95 percent of pastors worldwide lack the discipleship resources they need to study God’s Word and feed God’s people. Many pastors don’t even own a Bible as they preach to their congregations from week to week. How, then, can they rightly handle the Word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15)? When pastors are untrained or ill-equipped, Christians are left vulnerable to the lies of our world.
Ligonier is doing something about this problem. The Lord has blessed our efforts in recent years to confront this famine of truth by equipping church leaders around the world with the Reformation Study Bible. As you know, this is a foundational resource for Christians, carefully crafted under the editorial oversight of Dr. Sproul. This is a comprehensive library that pastors can hold in their hands, with thoughtful study notes, insightful articles, and creeds and confessions that clearly articulate the historic Christian faith.
It costs $25 for each study Bible that we gift to pastors around the world. Thanks to support from ministry friends like you, we have already sent more than 113,000 Reformation Study Bibles to church leaders in Africa, Latin America, and India in the past few years. But just imagine how much more we could do to strengthen the global church if we distributed 500,000 study Bibles in multiple languages to equip pastors everywhere. Plus, we’re eager to see how the newly completed French edition alone can provide crucial support to the church.
Ligonier now has unprecedented opportunities to serve the global church. We’ve built a trusted network of translation and distribution partners, ensuring that the Reformation Study Bible reaches those who most need this treasured discipleship resource. The ministry team has already expanded distribution, yet R.C. always pushed us to extend our reach.
We initially launched the “Study Bibles for Africa” campaign—but with your generous support, we can expand this outreach in 2025 to “Study Bibles for the World.”
Ligonier arms the front lines in the battle for truth, pushing forward a second strategic initiative. Today, we see a generation increasingly unaware of even the foundational teachings of God’s Word. This epidemic of biblical illiteracy is overtaking churches and most gravely impacts our young people, who are desperate for truth.
When the rising generation does not know God’s Word, they are left vulnerable to the world’s lies. They struggle to discern what is good, true, and beautiful in a world where unbelievers weave a web of deception. They struggle with identity issues, such as who they are as people created in the image of God. They struggle with the coming tsunami of AI-fueled deception that will make detecting truth from half-truths even more difficult. Ultimately, they struggle because they do not know who God is or what He has revealed in His Word.
Ligonier is addressing this problem by helping the next generation renew their minds in the Word of God so that they may be sanctified in His truth (John 17:17; Rom. 12:2). We’re doing this through Reformation Bible College, Always Ready apologetics training events for teenagers, and new media outreaches with teaching tailored for younger generations. I’m also excited to share that next year, Ligonier will launch a K–5 Bible curriculum to serve families and churches better. We’ll have more news on this project at our national conference in April.
But today, we ask for your financial support to continue advancing this truth arsenal and sending it worldwide. Ligonier must raise several million dollars by December 31 to continue these and other projects.
We are called to steward your generosity effectively, seeking to deploy each dollar efficiently and faithfully. Now is not the time to tap the brakes. The path before us is clear, the mission is urgent, and the needs are immense.
In times of seeming uncertainty, Christians look to the Lord with renewed trust and reinvigorated service. He is faithful. We love and serve Him not merely for the stability He gives us in the storm but for who He is in all His majestic holiness. Our God is glorious, and He will not relent until the knowledge of His glory covers the earth as the waters cover the sea (Hab. 2:14).
Dr. Sproul boldly set Ligonier’s mission to reach “as many people as possible” with the truth of our holy God. This “true north” compass heading has been a mercy that keeps us serving the growing global church in undiluted ways. Ligonier’s gospel outreach vision is expansive, and our action plan is focused.
The depth of the church’s need is difficult to fathom. We are not doing this in our own strength, because we serve a sovereign God who loves His people and has chosen to use all of us to accomplish His glorious purposes. So, we thank the Lord for friends like you who play such a vital role in spreading discipleship resources to the next generation and the global church.
The truth of Christ delivers minds from deception and sets souls free (John 8:32). Please stand with Ligonier through your year-end donation to help take the liberating truth of Christ to as many people as possible in 2025.