Holy People Are Happy People
So much could be said of the consequences of sin and impurity for the Christian. And we should speak of them — the Bible certainly does. David, in Psalm 32, described the misery of unrepentant sin as his bones wasting away (v. 3). His energy was dried up as he felt God's displeasure. But the warnings of misery for the backsliding believer should also be coupled with the joys of holiness. There is real joy when we turn from evil and delight in the Lord and His ways.
The Bible describes this delight in experiential terms — an existential reality that is meant to be tasted, felt, and seen. Proverbs 3:7-8 describes the experience like this:
Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones (emphasis mine).
If you read this slowly, just slow enough to taste the truth as it goes by, don't you crave this sense of refreshment? Not surprisingly, God's designs for our sanctification are most satisfying. In contrast, a life in sin is tiring, placing joy just outside our reach.
Continue reading Holy People Are Happy People, John Starke's contribution to the December issue of Tabletalk.