Ligonier Connect: Learn the Basics of Reformed Theology
Are you interested in learning more about Reformed theology? Do you want to dive deeper into the biblical truths recovered by the sixteenth-century Reformers, or are you looking for theological teaching that is clear and accessible?
For a limited time only, save 30% on your first three-month subscription to Ligonier Connect, our expansive library of interactive video courses. With more than 120 courses on topics in biblical studies, theology, Christian living, worldview and culture, and church history, Ligonier Connect is a helpful tool for any growing Christian. Use coupon code THEOLOGY24 at checkout to save.
With your subscription, you can take as many courses as you want, when and where you want, and at the pace that suits you best. Each course contains study tools to help you apply what you’re learning, including optional quizzes, discussion questions, and visible progress at every step. You also have the option to start a private study group and invite your Sunday school class, Bible study, friends, or family to join you in studying the rich truths of God’s Word.
Try these courses to grow in your knowledge of God, His Word, and His world:
- Basic Training with R.C. Sproul
What does it mean to be a Christian? In this 6-part course, Dr. Sproul teaches on the fundamental doctrines of Christianity, following the Apostles’ Creed as his outline.
- The Life of Peter: Molded by the Master’s Hands with Derek Thomas
In this 19-part course, Dr. Thomas surveys the life of Simon Peter, showing how the Lord patiently works to transform and sanctify His people.
- Foundations I: God & Scripture with R.C. Sproul
What is theology, and why is it so important? In this 15-part course, Dr. Sproul explains the nature and purpose of theology and provides an overview of the doctrine of Scripture and the doctrine of God.
- Not Ashamed: Paul’s Letter to the Romans with W. Robert Godfrey
In this 23-part course, Dr. Godfrey teaches through the book of Romans, highlighting how the grace of God shapes our entire lives as Christians.
- What Is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul
In this 12-part course, Dr. Sproul presents a thorough yet accessible introduction to Reformed theology, ideal for people seeking a deeper understanding of the historic Christian faith.
Remember to use coupon code THEOLOGY24 at checkout to save 30% on your first three-month subscription to Ligonier Connect. This offer ends June 15.