Links We Liked (6/18/11)
Here is a round-up of some of the notable blogs and articles our team read this week.
The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards in Categories - As Matt Perman has been working on his book on gospel-centered productivity, he grouped Jonathan Edwards’ famous resolutions by category.
Speaking of Resolutions… - The Southern Baptist Convention adopted a resolution this week against the updated NIV at their annual meeting. “Resolved, that we cannot commend the 2011 NIV to Southern Baptists or the larger Christian community.”
Pray for Danny Wuerffel - He is suffering from Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Keep up with his recovery at their Facebook page.
Atheists are the most fervent commenters on matters religious - religion editor, Dan Gilgoff, looks at 10 things the Belief Blog learned in its first year. (HT: David Murray)
Gratuitous Grace - “My understanding of unconditional love and its implications deepened when I was ten years old and I flooded our next door neighbor’s home.”
Exegetical Commentary - Sangre de Cristo Seminary has a weekly blog of an exegetical commentary of the book of II Peter. Each week a few verses are presented along with a translation, commentary, truth statement, and application.