The Lord's Prayer, New from Albert Mohler

Prayer is central to our fellowship with God, and our prayer life is directly affected by what we believe about God. In this series, The Lord's Prayer, Dr. Albert Mohler shows that the pattern of prayer Jesus provides is few in words, yet massive in meaning. His prayer reflects true theology and proper doxology—a perfect guide for our own lives.
The Lord's Prayer is now available for purchase as a DVD, CD, download, or Ligonier Connect course. A thorough study guide is also available.
Twelve, 23-Minute Messages
- Teach Us to Pray
- Two Models of Prayer
- Our Father
- A Holy Name
- City of God
- Thy Word Be Done
- Presence of the Kingdom
- Daily Dependence
- Forgiven & Forgiving
- Cause Us to Flee
- A Desperate Plea
- Forever Victorious
Purchase Options
- Purchase on DVD ($43.20)
- Purchase on CD ($27.90)
- Purchase a digital copy ($19.20 complete / $2 each)
- Take it as an online course on Ligonier Connect
- Purchase a hard copy or digital download of the comprehensive study guide
Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. is president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY., a Ligonier teaching fellow, and host of the daily podcast The Briefing. He is author of several books, including He Is Not Silent.