The Masculine Mandate — 99¢ eBook Sale
We announced last month that for a limited time Reformation Trust will be making select titles even more accessible as we lower their eBook price to 99¢. We continue this month by offering you, The Masculine Mandate: God’s Calling to Men by Richard Phillips, a book that issues a call to reformation in the evangelical church's attitude toward the role of men in the family, the church, and society.
Originally published in January 2010, The Masculine Mandate is now in its sixth printing with over 20,000 copies in print and distribution. We thank God for the continued popularity of a book written on such an important topic, and with Father's Day quickly approaching this would make for a timely gift.
What The Bloggers Are Saying
Well-written and presenting tough truths within such a simple grid of work and keep, this book is a very useful call for men to live out their mandate before God. I feel challenged and equipped for having read it and am glad to recommend it to any man. Read it, apply it, live it. — Tim Challies
The Masculine Mandate is a breath of fresh air. The biblical "oxygen" that the Richard Phillips offers is the cure to the polluted air of egalitarianism that is plaguing the church. It offers strong encouragement for Christian men who are serious about obeying God, loving their families, serving their churches and making a difference in their world. — David Steele
There is a crying need in the church today for men to be men. Richard Phillips believes the problem and the inadequate solutions being put forward demand sound exegesis of biblical passages relating to masculinity. The Bible alone has the answer to what men are to be in the eyes of their Creator. In The Masculine Mandate, Richard Phillips provides this essential exegesis.
The Masculine Mandate is currently on sale for 99¢ as both an ePub from the Ligonier store or from Amazon's Kindle Store.