Mar 13, 2025

New Book and Teaching Series from J.V. Fesko: Signed, Sealed, Delivered

2 Min Read

How does God establish relationship with us?

Throughout history, the Lord has related to His people through covenants. These sacred promises and agreements are at the heart of His plan of salvation.

In his new book and companion teaching series, Signed, Sealed, Delivered, Dr. J.V. Fesko introduces the essential elements of Reformed covenant theology. This classical approach to reading God’s Word shows us how the whole Bible fits together with Jesus Christ at its center.

A Look inside the Book

To trace God’s unfolding plan of redemption and to find our place in it, Christians must give careful attention to the covenants God makes in Scripture. Dr. Fesko writes in the book, “When we stand back and look at the canvas of Scripture, we can see the beautiful painting of Christ’s covenant marriage to His bride, the church.” Read a sample from the book.

A Companion Teaching Series

In his new companion teaching series, Dr. Fesko outlines the overarching covenants of Scripture: the covenant of redemption, the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace. These six messages demonstrate how Jesus Christ fulfills our redemption, meets us in the sacraments, and gathers us in His church for the glory of God.

6 Messages Surveying Covenant Theology

  • What Is a Covenant?
  • The Covenant of Redemption
  • The Covenant of Works
  • The Covenant of Grace
  • Covenant Signs
  • Covenant & Church

Watch the first message to start your study.

When you order the Signed, Sealed, Delivered teaching series, we’ll add all 6 messages to your Learning Library so you can stream them anytime or anywhere on our website or form the Ligonier app. An accompanying study guide is also available to expand your learning with lesson objectives.