Study with Reformation Bible College Faculty for Free
As the circumstances surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) have resulted in the cancellation of many Bible studies and Sunday school classes, free study groups at Ligonier Connect can help you stay connected online.
Beginning the week of May 18, join one of our 6-week study groups moderated by Reformation Bible College faculty on Ligonier Connect. In these moderated courses, you’ll have the opportunity to grow with fellow Christians as you interact with study questions at your own pace and read contributions from the RBC faculty.
Try these study groups led by Reformation Bible College’s faculty:
Beginning Monday, May 18
Hath God Said? with R.C. Sproul
Moderated by Dr. John Tweeddale
Questions about the authority and trustworthiness of God’s words are as old as the garden of Eden. Christians need to know what they believe about the Bible. In this course, R.C. Sproul defends Scripture as the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God, helping us to boldly proclaim its truth to the world around us.
Beginning Tuesday, May 19
Prayer with R.C. Sproul
Moderated by Dr. Ben Shaw and Mrs. Lynn Shaw
Christians have the privilege of communicating with the Creator and Sustainer of the universe—a privilege we too often neglect. In this course, R.C. Sproul shows us how to develop a faithful prayer life, demonstrating that intimate communication with God is at the heart of our relationship with Him.
Beginning Wednesday, May 20
Pleasing God with R.C. Sproul
Moderated by Professor Anthony Salangsang
What higher satisfaction is there in knowing that what we do and think is pleasing to God? But how can we, as imperfect Christians, ever hope to please a perfect God? In this course, R.C. Sproul identifies the struggles that believers share in our lifelong pursuit of holiness and offers insights on how to overcome them.
Study groups will remain free for the duration of these courses. Join a group today by clicking on one of the courses above.