Oct 9, 2024

Support the Next 30 Years of Broadcasting Truth

4 Min Read

You have rhythms that you follow every day. From morning routines to evening rest, we all follow daily patterns.

For Christians, these rhythms often include spiritual disciplines—prayer, Scripture, and worship—that mold us as followers of Christ. Many of you incorporate Tabletalk magazine and the Renewing Your Mind broadcast into your daily practices, and we are grateful for the privilege this ministry has to serve you, your family, and your church through these trusted discipleship resources.

This October marks a significant milestone for Ligonier Ministries: the 30th anniversary of Renewing Your Mind. We rejoice in the Lord’s blessing, which has sustained this broadcast of biblical truth for three decades.

We are so grateful for Ligonier’s donors. The Lord has used the financial support of friends like you to bring the life-changing message of the gospel and the deep truths of His Word to countless listeners across the globe.

Because of the prayers and generosity of Ligonier’s supporters, the reach of Renewing Your Mind has extended beyond what we could have imagined. It is now available on hundreds of radio stations and signals, through podcasts, and on platforms like RefNet. It has given rise to a Spanish-language edition, and this month we are expanding the daily broadcast to YouTube, where we are seeing exponential growth in places such as India and the Philippines.

When Dr. R.C. Sproul began this program in the fall of 1994, his vision was anchored in Romans 12:2: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” Our growth in Christlikeness cannot bypass the life of the mind. R.C. was so passionate about the life of the mind because he knew it was the pathway to true transformation.

R.C.’s words continue to resonate: “If you just have [Scripture] in your mind and you don’t have it in your heart, you don’t have it. But you can’t have it in your heart without first having it in your mind.”

This ministry’s remarkable journey is a story of God’s grace, binding all of us in shared learning and growth. I still remember being a college student, captivated by R.C.’s teaching on the radio as I drove home at night from class. His clear exposition of deep biblical truths sparked a hunger for more of God’s Word and the theology that flows from that Word. And today, through Renewing Your Mind, we’re seeing that same hunger in the next generation.

We hear encouraging stories from young adults such as Brent, who wrote: “In our society today, in which Christians are being attacked for their beliefs and values, Renewing Your Mind has been a critical tool in helping me combat the many ideas that seek to sway my peers and me from the truth of God’s Word. This podcast has been one of the first stepping stones in helping me understand that everyone can be a theologian, even me.”

Testimonies like this remind us why we continue to labor—so that others may also experience the renewal of their minds and lives.

As we look to the future, we’re excited to share that we’re expanding this outreach. Plans are underway to construct a new podcast studio and produce a video edition of Renewing Your Mind, set to debut next year. This will allow us to connect even more deeply with those who seek sound teaching.

Currently, it takes an investment of just over $1,000 to produce, distribute, and broadcast each day’s episode of Renewing Your Mind, making it available for millions of people on stations and devices around the world. With the construction of a new studio and additional staffing to improve this growing outreach and all of our media expansion, we estimate needing to invest an additional $250,000 in 2025 alone. We are committed to advancing this work by God’s grace, but we need your help. Just think—your support could underwrite an episode that will reach people worldwide with eternal truth.

As we thank God for the past three decades, we look ahead to the next thirty years of broadcasting His Word. We’re asking for your help in increasing this outreach through a donation of any amount. Please know that every gift helps.

In closing, as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, let’s remember these words from R.C.: “The key method Paul underscores as the means to the transformed life is by the ‘renewal of the mind.’ This means nothing more and nothing less than education. Serious education. In-depth education. Disciplined education in the things of God. It calls for a mastery of the Word of God. We need to be people whose lives have changed because our minds have changed.”

This ministry is dedicated to staying faithful to that vision. With God’s help and your gospel partnership, we anticipate many more years of Renewing Your Mind proclaiming, teaching, and defending God’s holiness in all its fullness to as many people as possible.

Thank you for standing with us.