The Life of Peter: New Teaching Series & Book from Derek Thomas
Simon Peter was a man with two names and two opposite inclinations. Many Christians see themselves in his wavering between faith and failure. But as we trace the trajectory of Peter’s life, we also see a man powerfully renewed in his walk with Jesus Christ.
In his new teaching series and companion book, Dr. Derek Thomas surveys the story of Peter from his first encounter with the Lord to his defining moments in the book of Acts. Understanding Peter’s transformation from the brash fisherman into the bold Apostle can guide us in pursuit of our own growth in grace. Order the teaching series and preorder the book today.
We Can Relate to Peter
- He spoke and acted in ways he would soon regret.
- He often had good intentions but made many mistakes.
- He sinned greatly and failed his Lord at times.
- Yet Christ used this vessel of clay to spread the hope of the gospel.
A Portrait of the Christian Life
Dr. Thomas does more than tell the story of a New Testament figure in his new teaching series and book. He paints a portrait of a man whose life was gripped by grace. At every stroke, our eyes are drawn behind the disciple to his Master, who fashions stumbling believers into stalwarts of faith. Here is teaching to remind Christians that Jesus is the Hero in our story.
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Many Teaching Series Formats Available
- Get it on DVD
- Digital download
- Ligonier Connect course
- Study guide (paperback or digital)
Preorder the Book
You’ll be among the first to receive the hardcover edition of The Life of Peter when it becomes available next month. An encouraging read for any Christian, this book beautifully shows how the grace of God transforms and sanctifies His people.