#TruthAtTheCup: Spreading the Truth of God's Word at the 2014 FIFA World Cup

In April, we shared with you an opportunity to support Ligonier's international outreach in Brazil during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, the Lord supplied the resources to print over 140,000 booklets from R.C. Sproul to distribute during the games in both Portuguese and English.
Last week, the World Cup officially began with a game between Brazil and Croatia. Our partners in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro were out on the streets at bus stations, subways, and the areas surrounding the stadiums handing out copies of Dr. R.C. Sproul's Can I Have Joy in My Life? and a new abridged version of his The Holiness of God titled God Is Holy and We're Not. By God's grace, we're hearing reports that these booklets are being received well.
Please continue to pray for the teams of Christians assisting with this outreach and for the thousands of people who will be receiving these booklets during the World Cup.