Announcing Our Dedicated-Language Website in Turkish
We are pleased to announce that Ligonier has launched a dedicated-language website in Turkish. By God’s grace, and through the generous support of ministry friends such as you, is Ligonier’s sixteenth dedicated-language website, providing an online library of trustworthy teaching and discipleship materials for more than 90 million Turkish-speaking people worldwide.
Much of modern-day Türkiye (Turkey) has seen significant Christian activity over the centuries. The Apostle Paul’s birthplace is located here, and his missionary journeys brought him throughout the country’s southern and western landscape. Several of Paul’s letters were written to churches in what is now Türkiye—Galatians, Ephesians, and Colossians—and the seven churches in Revelation 2–3 were also located in the western part of Asia Minor. In the following centuries, the church councils that developed the historic ecumenical creeds (Nicea, Constantinople, and Chalcedon) were all held in the region.
The ruins of several of these churches remain to this day. But since the Middle Ages, Islam has dominated Türkiye and is now entwined with Turkish national identity. Where gospel ministry once flourished, today Christians number only 0.2% of the population. Members of the small Christian churches in Türkiye face hostility from family members, employers, and the government, with pastors sometimes being monitored by the police. There is a tremendous need for Turkish-speaking Christians to be equipped with biblical truth in order to combat spiritual darkness with the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ.
Ligonier’s new Turkish website is home to articles on topics relating to the Christian faith, The Ligonier Statement on Christology, and several historic Christian creeds. Additional discipleship resources from Dr. R.C. Sproul and other gifted teachers will also be shared on Ligonier’s Turkish social media channels. Please join us in praying that the Lord would use this outreach to help Turkish-speaking believers stand firm in the face of religious oppression and that Ligonier’s biblical resources will strengthen the Christian church in Türkiye.
The launch of Ligonier’s dedicated-language website in Turkish plays an instrumental role in Ligonier’s aim to develop the world’s largest library of discipleship resources that are true to the historic Christian faith, with sustained ministry in the world’s twenty most-spoken languages in the years and decades to come. By God’s grace, the light and hope of the gospel is reaching those who do not know God’s Word.
This international gospel outreach depends on the prayers and generosity of faithful donors such as you. Thank you for making it possible to translate, publish, and distribute trusted teaching in Turkish so that more people around the world may know the holiness of our sovereign God and His saving grace in Christ.