Twitter Highlights (7/7/13)
Here are highlights from our various Twitter accounts over the past week.
Download the eBook edition of 'What's So Great About the Doctrines of Grace?' free for the month of July:
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) July 1, 2013
Once we refuse to honor God as God, our whole view of life and the world becomes distorted (R.C. Sproul).
— Ligonier Academy (@LigonierAcademy) July 1, 2013
"Hallowed be Your name" not simply an assertion that God's name is holy. Rather, it's a petition. —RC Sproul
— Reformation Trust (@RefTrust) July 2, 2013
Ultimate truth matters ultimately. —RC Sproul
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) July 4, 2013
...repentance is a 180-degree change of direction—and a 170-degree change is not acceptable. —@DrStevenJLawson
— Reformation Trust (@RefTrust) July 4, 2013
There are no ‘little sins’, because there is no little God to sin against (John Blanchard).
— Tabletalk Magazine (@Tabletalk) July 5, 2013
Christ both undid what Adam had done and did what Adam could not do. —Stephen Nichols
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) July 5, 2013
You can also find our various ministries on Facebook:
Ligonier Ministries | Ligonier Academy | Ligonier Connect | RefNet
Reformation Bible College | Reformation Trust | Tabletalk Magazine