What's the Greatest Chapter in the Bible?

What is your favorite chapter in the Bible? My friend and fellow Teaching Fellow Derek Thomas says Romans 8 is the greatest chapter in the whole Bible. That doesn’t mean it is any more God-breathed than Ezra 2, but it is certainly more directly applicable to our lives.
When you support Ligonier Ministries this month, we’ll send you Derek Thomas’ new teaching series on Romans 8 so that you can see why he calls it the greatest chapter in the Bible.
Romans 8 has almost everything. It begins with our justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone (vv. 1–4), continues with sanctification and the work of the Holy Spirit (vv. 5–13), and then speaks about our adopted sonship with the Father (vv. 14–17), the significance of suffering (vv. 17–18), the prospect of glory (vv. 17–18), the final redemption of our bodies (vv. 17–25), and the restoration of all creation (vv. 19–21). It reassures us that as we wait for our resurrection and final transformation (vv. 23–24), the Spirit helps us in our weakness (v. 26) and intercedes for us (vv. 26–27).
It teaches us about the good and sovereign providence of God in our lives (v. 28), and that His goal is to transform us into the likeness of Christ (v. 29). Indeed, Paul says, nothing can stop God from bringing that to pass (v. 30). No one can successfully oppose us, bring any charge against us, condemn us, or finally separate us from God’s love for us in Christ (vv. 31–39).
This is breathtaking theology!
That is the point, isn’t it? Romans 8 is not merely breathtaking eloquence. It is the theology of these verses that puts backbone into Paul’s life—and it can put backbone into our lives too.
R.C. Sproul understood that theology makes a difference. It is always practical, always life changing. That is why theology is meant for every Christian. All the theology of the Word of God to all the people of God.
That vision and calling lie at the heart of Ligonier’s ministry.
In God’s goodness, that vision is spreading, and the avenues through which it is being communicated are increasing. This increase has been possible only because of the partnership, love, prayers, and sacrificial generosity of Ligonier’s partners and supporters like you.
So, I would like to commend the ministry and the whole staff to your love, to your prayers, and, as God enables you, to your financial support.
Yes, the needs are breathtaking—but the breathtaking theology of Romans 8 is still true. And so, it is especially appropriate (and joyful to me personally) that as a thank-you for any gift you make this month, Ligonier will send you a copy of Derek Thomas’ video teaching series on “the greatest chapter in the Bible.” I think you will enjoy it tremendously.
And in the meantime, may you taste all the blessings of Romans 8.
Offer expires October 31, 2019. U.S. and Canada only. Please allow up to six weeks for delivery after your gift is processed.