You Can Help People like Guadalupe

Guadalupe in Texas recently told us how the Lord has used translated discipleship materials from Ligonier Ministries to help her family grow as Christians.
“The Reformation Study Bible in Spanish is an answer to prayer. When I saw it in English, I asked God to bring it to us in Spanish. Now that it has arrived, it's a blessing. I am using this unique Bible for family devotions with my children. Thanks for sharing this Bible in Spanish.”
By God’s grace, this kind of Christian growth is made possible by friends like you. Would you prayerfully consider giving to help us reach even more people like Guadalupe with teaching that exalts the holiness of God? Your gift is vital to our gospel outreach. Donations must be made before December 31 at 11:30 p.m. ET to be tax deductible. Thank you for your visionary support that equips Christians around the world to grow in their knowledge of God and His gospel.