Your Support Fuels Military Chaplain Outreach
People serving in the armed forces today face many ongoing spiritual battles. As military chaplains minister to soldiers and their families, we want to ensure that they’re amply outfitted with gospel-centered discipleship resources. Your support makes it possible to supply chaplains with custom resource packages so they can faithfully minister to those under their charge.
Chaplain Chadwick Potts recently told us about the important role that Ligonier’s resources have played in his ministry to men and women in the armed forces:
“Thank you so much for your support of the chaplaincy. In the Air Force, faithful Christians are consistently put in difficult situations. These resources are going to help strengthen the faith of those in our care and enable them to disciple others.”
Today, more than 600 military chaplains partner with Ligonier. Most of these chaplains are ministering to thousands of servicemen and women at a time, providing trusted books, teaching series, the Reformation Study Bible, Tabletalk magazine, and more. Thanks to the financial generosity of those who support this outreach and want to see it grow, our partner chaplains serve more than 1,000,000 people, including men and women in uniform as well as their families.
Thousands more on the front lines and the home front are eager to receive biblical discipleship materials. By God’s grace, your gift of $30, $50, or $100 can provide a spiritual supply line for soldiers, military families, and chaplains, arming God’s people with truth so they can stand firm in the faith and honor the Lord wherever He stations them. Give today.
Thank you for prayerfully considering this opportunity to minister to the armed forces through your generous support.