Writing for Ligonier
At Ligonier Ministries’ different digital outreaches (Ligonier.org, TabletalkMagazine.com), we publish a broad range of articles on biblical, theological, ecclesiastical, historical, cultural, and practical topics in order to help serve the church of Jesus Christ throughout the world for the glory of God.
Article Length
Your article should be 700–900 words unless you have received special instructions or approval from our editorial team.
Topic Selection
If we do not propose a topic to you, then you may choose one at your discretion. However, you must submit your topic to be approved in advance.
Your article should reflect the teachings of the major ecumenical creeds (Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed, Definition of Chalcedon) and one of the Reformed confessions (Westminster Standards, Three Forms of Unity, 1689 London Baptist Confession, Thirty-Nine Articles).
Although we seek to help readers understand the deeper matters of the Christian faith, we do not publish primarily for a scholarly audience, and we are not an academic journal. We would encourage you to write as if you are addressing laypeople who are relatively unfamiliar with Reformed theology. Also, note that your article would be read internationally and could be translated into multiple languages.
Each article we publish will receive an honorarium shortly after receipt, provided that you have submitted a completed IRS Form W-9 to us. If you are a new contributor to Ligonier Ministries, please include a completed W-9 with your submission.
Bible Version
We recommend the use of the English Standard Version. If you use a translation other than the ESV, please note it in your article.
Document Format
Please submit your article in Word (.docx) or plain text (.txt or .rtf) format.
You may use footnotes. Please use in-text parenthetical citations for Bible references.
Consult The Chicago Manual of Style or The Christian Writer’s Manual of Style for writing standards.
By submitting an article to Ligonier, you grant Ligonier a perpetual, non-exclusive, irrevocable, freely transferable and sublicensable, royalty-free license to publish, reproduce, display, perform, and/or transmit the article worldwide in any medium now known or hereafter developed, and to edit, adapt, create derivative works from, and translate the article at our discretion. This license grants Ligonier the right to give any third parties the right to republish, quote and translate the article at no additional charge. You retain copyright to your article. If Ligonier is the first publisher of this article, you agree not to publish the article elsewhere until ten days after it is published on a Ligonier website. At that point, you are welcome to publish the article in other channels by including an acknowledgment that the article was originally published on a Ligonier platform and linking to the article on the Ligonier website.
- Representations, Warranties: You represent and warrant that the article you submit is your sole and original creation and, is not libelous or obscene, and does not infringe upon or otherwise violate any right of any third party, including copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property right, or any right of publicity or privacy. You have obtained all third-party permissions, consents, or licenses required for Ligonier to publish the article and to exercise the rights granted by you herein.
- You have the full power to grant the rights and licenses described herein, and there are no other agreements or obligations that may affect your ability to submit the article or to grant the rights and licenses described herein.
- You agree to indemnify and hold Ligonier, and its directors, officers, employees, agents, subsidiaries, and affiliates harmless from any loss, damage, or expense arising from your breach or alleged breach of any representation or warranty or any other provision herein.
Editing and Publication
After submitting your article, it will be reviewed by Ligonier and if selected for publication it will pass through our editorial process and be queued for publication. Ligonier is not obligated to publish or otherwise make use of any article submitted. We edit the article at our discretion and no further approval is required for us to publish the article as edited by us. After your article has been edited, we will not send the edited article to you before posting unless you request a copy. Your article may not be published for several months. If you would like to know the publication date in advance, please let us know when you make your submission.
We will include a brief author bio at the end of your article with your personal name and a biographical summary. Please include your preferred biographical information with your submission, which may be edited to conform to our style. You hereby grant to Ligonier the right to use your name, image, likeness, and biographical and professional information in connection with the article and any including to advertise and promote the same or for Ligonier’s ministry purposes.
Electronic Signature
You consent to the use of Electronic Signatures to sign, authenticate, and enter into this electronic license agreement. By submitting an article, you agree that you have read and accept the terms and conditions herein. Your email with an article submission to Ligonier constitutes a binding agreement and including your name in such email constitutes your Electronic Signature evidencing your acceptance of these terms and conditions.
If you have a question that is not answered above, please contact a member of our editorial team.