November 26, 2021

Living by Faith

R.C. Sproul
Living by Faith

Because we have peace with God through His Son, we can trust Him throughout our Christian pilgrimage. Today, R.C. Sproul conveys how sanctification is as much by faith as justification is.


The peace that God has given to us is not a fragile truce where the next time I slip up, He’s going to start rattling the sword at me again. We, being justified, have peace with God. The battle’s over. We’re forgiven. We’re cleansed. We’re justified. Paul quotes it three times from the Old Testament book of Habakkuk, “The just shall live by faith.” Not simply that the just shall be justified by faith, but the just shall live by faith. Sanctification is as much by faith as justification is, which means what? Trust. That’s where our assurance comes from. Not out of an arrogant self-appraisal, but I’m trusting Christ to keep me, to preserve me, to help me, to hold me, to save me.