October 09, 2024

The Sustaining Power of God

R.C. Sproul
The Sustaining Power of God

Not only do we depend upon our Creator for the origin of our existence, but every moment of our continued existence relies upon the sustaining power of God. Today, R.C. Sproul addresses the Lord’s work of sustaining His creation.


The God that is revealed in Genesis is a God who is committed, who ties Himself to the daily continuity of our lives and of our planet. Now, what of the implications of that? The implications of that are, that the universe is not left on its own. We see and study the universe and we say through the laws of thermodynamics, that the amount of available energy is running out and the universe is kind of slowing down and it’s going to run down and we can project into the far distant future. The idea where the universe sort of stops and disintegrates. Such a projection can’t be made from Genesis, because it would presuppose that the God who creates and sustains will someday run out and pass away.

Now, what we have then is this conclusion that not only are we dependent upon God for our origin of human existence, but for the very fact that we could continue to live from day to day. We are dependent upon God. That is man’s original existence and man’s continuity of existence both depend on the sustaining power of this God who creates.