July 15, 2021

What Does It Mean for God to “Prepare a Table before Me in the Presence of My Enemies” (Ps. 23:5)?

Nathan W. Bingham & W. Robert Godfrey
What Does It Mean for God to “Prepare a Table before Me in the Presence of My Enemies” (Ps. 23:5)?

In Psalm 23, God is portrayed as preparing a table before the psalmist in the presence of his enemies (Ps. 23:5). What should we learn from this vivid imagery? Today, W. Robert Godfrey spells out the encouragement that this passage brings.


NATHAN W. BINGHAM:  We’re recording this episode live from Ligonier’s 2021 National Conference, and I’m joined by Ligonier’s chairman, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey. Dr. Godfrey, in Psalm 23, what does it mean when the psalmist says that “God will prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies”?

DR. W. ROBERT GODFREY: That’s an interesting question. I think when we think of the twenty-third psalm we focus so much on the shepherd imagery of the psalm, which so powerfully begins the psalm and carries the psalm along. I think, speaking as a historian, not an Old Testament scholar, I think that the psalmist is changing the imagery there from focusing on God as shepherd to focusing now on God as victor. And just as God the shepherd leads us, guides us, protects us, so God the conqueror, God the victor, assures that our enemies will not prevail over us but that our victory in God over the enemy will be so complete that a victory celebration, a table of celebration, will be spread by the Lord. And our heads will be anointed; we’ll be full of joy there. And it expresses the goodness and mercy that He will have for His people, delivering them from the enemy.

I’m always struck in reading the Psalms, how frequently the Psalms turn to the subject of enemies and opposition. And I think often our modern Christianity has tried to downplay that reality, and we’ve tried to be mainly positive in outlook and in expectation. And I think part of the great realism of the Psalter is God’s great works have constant opposition and enemies. But the assurance, the comfort, is that God will overcome that. He will spread this table of victory for us, and then we’ll dwell in His house forever.